
  1. 杨惠妍毕业于俄亥俄大学。

    She graduated from the Ohio university .

  2. 毕业于俄亥俄州立大学的杨惠妍等12位房地产商跻身前40位富豪之列。

    Yang , who graduated from Ohio State University , was one of 12 real estate developers among the top 40 , Forbes said .

  3. 杨惠妍的父亲杨国强在广东长大,从小生活贫困,他早年是一名瓦匠,上世纪90年代早期,他开始从事房地产开发。

    Yang 's father , known as Yang Guoqiang , grew up in poverty in Guangdong Province and worked as a bricklayer before becoming a developer in the early1990s .

  4. 杨惠妍的净资产是去年内地首富国美电器老板黄光裕的七倍,当时他的个人资产为23亿美元。

    Yang huiyan 's net worth was more than seven times that of last year 's richest mainland person , appliance retailer gome 's Huang guangyu , who was worth $ 2.3 billion .

  5. 杨国强面对媒体一向低调。2005年,他将其所有股份转至女儿名下,目前,杨惠妍是碧桂园的常务董事,并主要负责公司的物流项目。

    In2005 , the press-shy Yang transferred his shares to his daughter , who sits on Country Garden 's board as an executive director and works in its logistics activities , according to Forbes .