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  1. 比如,杨扬(音译)。

    Take Yang Yang , for instance .

  2. 22岁的杨扬认为,他做的事情是对的,这是一种为自己进入社会做准备的方式。

    The22-year-old Yang thinks he did the right thing as a means of preparing himself for society .

  3. 2002年冬奥会的1500米比赛上,杨扬以不到0.1秒的差距与奖牌失之交臂。

    In2002 Olympics , Yang Yang missed a medal in the1500m by less than a tenth of a second .

  4. 在他的同学眼中,杨扬的状态早已从单纯的“弃儿”升级成为了一个杰出的人。

    In the eyes of his peers , Yang 's status was long ago upgraded from mere outcast to outstanding person .

  5. 包括著名中国钢琴家朗朗和冬奥会速度滑冰冠军杨扬在内的名人传递了火炬。

    Celebrities including Lang Lang , the famous Chinese painist , and Winter Olympics speed skating champion Yang Yang passed the flame .

  6. 但是,这些被驱逐出校的学生,并不都像杨扬一样。他们中的一些人在做他们想做的事情,或者是自以为他们想做的事的时候,是付出了代价的。

    But , outcasts are often not exactly like Yang and some of them pay a price in doing what they want & or thought they wanted .

  7. 21岁的尚强(音译),是杨扬旁边宿舍的同学,他很羡慕杨扬的成就,甚至把他当成了自己的偶像。

    Shang Qiang , 21 , who is Yang 's next door neighbor , admires the accomplishments of the fellow next door and even sees him as a role model .

  8. 在接力赛中获得银牌后,杨扬又进入了1000米比赛的决赛,她之前在这个项目的四分之一决赛创造了奥运会纪录,最终她又获得了自己的第二枚金牌。

    After adding another silver medal in the relay , Yang Yang entered the1000m.She set an Olympic record in the quarterfinals and then won the final to win her second gold medal .

  9. 韩国的高基玄在该赛季世界杯的1500米赛五轮比赛中,前二轮都获得了胜利。她的同胞崔敏敬总分列第三位,她们也准备对杨扬发动挑战。

    South korea 's Ko gi-hun , who won the first two of the season 's five world cup1500-metre rounds , and her compatriot Joo min-jin , third overall , are also out to challenge yang .