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  1. 黑杨派无性系和湿地松苗施用~(15)N和~(32)P标记肥料的试验

    Results of the application of labelled ( 15 ) ~ n and 32P fertilizers to younglings of Slash Pine and four clones of hybrid poplars

  2. 涝渍条件下黑杨派无性系基茎韧皮部的PAL活力和有机质含量

    PAL activity and organic components in basal stem phloem of Poplar Clones under waterlogging and flooding condition

  3. 利用Logistic方程对9个黑杨派杨树无性系的11年生林木的树高、胸径和材积的生长规律进行拟合,结果表明:利用Logistic方程拟合效果显著,相关系数皆在0.90以上。

    Logistic equation was applied to fit growth rules of height , DBH and volume of 9 poplar clones at the age of 11 , the results showed that the fitting effect is remarkable and correlation coefficient all above 0.90 .

  4. 以5个黑杨派(P.deltoides)杨树无性系为材料,利用Logistic方程对各个无性系的1a生扦插苗木的苗高、地径的年生长节律进行拟合。

    Logistic equation is applied to fit annual growth rhythm in seedling height and ground diameter for one & year old cutting seedling from 5 clones of P. deltoides .

  5. 黑杨派3个无性系苗木自然失水试验

    A test on the loss of moisture of 3 poplar clones

  6. 黑杨派南方型无性系引种及选择的研究

    Introduction and Selection of Southern Type Clone of Black Poplars

  7. 黑杨派南方型杨树密度效应规律的研究

    A study on the density effect law of the southern type poplars

  8. 11个黑杨派无性系抗寒性试验报告

    Experiment reports of anli-cold of 11 clone of populus nigra

  9. 黑杨派杨树组培再生系统的研究

    Research on tissue-culture reproductive systems of black poplar group

  10. 黑杨派杨树杂交育种研究初报

    Cross breeding of Black Poplar Study on growth performance of new cottonwood clones at nursery stage

  11. 黑杨派南方型无性系不同地类栽培初报

    Primary Report on Cultivating Southern Type of Series Black Poplar Clones in Different Kind of Soil

  12. 黑杨派南方型无性系在滩地上造林,其胸径、树高、材积生长均随滩地高程的降低、淹水时间的增加而降低。

    The diameter breast height , height , volume growth of southern clone series of poplar growth on the beach were reduced with the elevation and increased submerged time .

  13. 本文根据多点密度试验林的长期观测资料,对黑杨派南方型杨树密度效应规律进行了系统研究。

    According to the investigated data from various man-made density experimental forests in China , the authors have systematically studied the density effect of man-made southern type poplar forests .

  14. 介绍了洞庭湖区引种的黑杨派南方型杨木的特性,根据原料特性设计了胶合板制造工艺并对工艺参数进行优选。

    Based on the characteristic of Populus Trichocarpa CV . " Southern " planted in Dengting Hu area , a plywood manufacture technology was worked out , optimized and tested .

  15. 我们根据意大利为代表的世界杨树育种先进国家的经验,结合我国杨树育种现状,介绍了世界黑杨派杨树基因资源;

    Based on the advanced experience of some developed countries , Italy in particular , and in light of the actual condition in our country , This paper introduced some poplar gene resources ;

  16. 杨属派间核型比较研究

    A comparative study on the karyotypes among sections of Populus

  17. 杨歧派的话头,有的是《沧浪诗话》的理论准备,有的是对《沧浪诗话》论断的超越。

    Some of Yangqi Group 's idioms are the theory preparing for Canglang Poetry Talks and some of them are the surpassing the Canglang Poetry Talks inference .

  18. 在汛期淹水和地下水位较高的江滩、湖滩地,35杨的材积生长量高于黑杨派其他无性系;

    In the beaches inundated or with a higher groundwater evel , the volume increment of CL '35 ' excels that of the other clones .