
  • 网络Yang LX;Yang L X;blog
  1. 国内最早提出和研究医疗器械以及医疗产品损害责任的学者是著名侵权法专家杨立新教授。

    The one who first proposed and studied medical devices products liability for damage is the famous tort scholar expert Professor Yang Lixin .

  2. 中国人大的杨立新表示,尽管作出了这个决定,继承法与实际相符仍需要数年时间才能实现。

    Yang Lixin of Renmin University in Beijing says that despitethis resolve it could still be several years before the law catches up with reality .

  3. 。该中心为中国中小企业提供金融、投资、法律、财务、人力资源、知识产权等服务。这些领域更好的信息共享有利于降低中小企业海外投资的风险和成本,提升国际竞争力。杨立新是该中心的主任。

    The center provides services including finance , investment , law , human resources , and intellectual property . Improved information sharing in these fields helps to reduce the risks and costs of overseas investment , and strengthens international competitiveness . Yang Lixin is the director of the center .