
Various businesses treat the Yang Hong manner not to be the same .
Simply lets the shop employee no longer go shopping for Yang Hong .
This act wins Yang Hong to appreciate .
Yang Hong and accepts the director East on-the-spot coverage in the Nanjing Television station .
Yang Hong had not investigated again .
Yang Hong tastes the defeat for the first time , thinks otherwise very much .
Demands the purchase power for this reason the Yang great wild goose lawsuit to the court .
This series campaign result , is Yang Hong the most important result which obtains in individual Uygur power domain .
Reporter Xia with such title , the nature frames between Yang Hong and these two big business 's relations .
Yang Hong sues Minister Zheng the reason is its opinion is a suspect to encroach upon her right of reputation .
Yang Hong interrogated in light of this that Manager Hao said unexpectedly looked Yang Hong does not look like the ordinary consumer .
However after learning Yang great wild goose this factory arms the security office staff status truly , the new hundred personnel depart low-spirited .
The Medical department relieves seals up , Yang Hong sues sues the Jiangning sanitation bureau administration not to take in light of this .
But with the central market , the Yang great wild goose hereafter maintains the smalltalk the behavior , has the question to point out .
This game of advertisement place Comrade Wei receives the Yang great wild goose , but also invites the advertisement place some leadership to exchange together .
Yang Hong thought that the Department concerned and the court understands to " Health foods Policing method " insufficiently thoroughly , has affected the fairness .
In this news the picture goes to Jin Run for Yang Hong and reporter to send the supermarket to photograph in the healthy product counter .
Yang Hong afterward also one and gave the purchase commodity original design Comrade Wei to receive and keep , by facilitated time the investigation used .
Also arms security office work Yang Hong in the Nanjing Mint to write the civil petition of appeal at the same night , makes the appeal .
And so on commodity question response which proposed is very quick to Yang Hong , generally processes on the scene , promptly question commodity under counter .
Yang Hong considers not to be able , because the evidence reason lost a lawsuit , but time had to agree that the mediation settled a lawsuit .
Yang Hong witnessed that " fails to agree ", drafted the civil petition to consider immediately the mountain west road Department store the Nanjing Gulou District Court .
This plan implementation , the Yang great wild goose goes to the Nanjing Xiaguan Area Court prosecution far for the first time " Carefour " the supermarket .
Yang Hong attacks the sellers of fake and low-quality goods in the Nanjing big market , starts many tornados , causes each big market to pay attention highly .
After Spring Festival , Yang Hong to white under the area court prosecution , under the shape public statement the area quality technology surveillance bureau administration does not take .
Had not thought that several months get down , Jiangsu Province bureau of industry and commerce does not have the news , asks this matter in Shanghai 's Yang Hongcui .
And will invite Yang Hong to participate has the world Chinese businessman to sponsor " the first Asian and Pacific nature health product exposition " in Shanghai Expert board committee member .
Yang Hong turns around to fill in the civil petition of appeal immediately , the same day soon Minister Zheng personally considers in the afternoon to the Nanjing white under area court .
In Shanghai 's Yang Hong , accepts " Each family Richly " the magazine company invites , to hold the post of this magazine company " Modern Expense Guidance " special edition special subeditor .
After from now on , Yang Hong indicates oneself standpoint with the motion : " Nanjing Bridge Newspaper " reported that Yang in Hong one month sues the Nanjing new hundred store seven times .