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  • short for Hangzhou
  • 中国浙江省杭州市的简称:~纺。~剧。

  • 姓。

  • 古同“航”,渡河。


(杭州的简称)short for Hangzhou:

  • 上有天堂, 下有苏杭。

    There is Paradise above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 杭明

    Hang Ming

  1. 找人可以与您聊天。Hangon。杭上。

    Looking for someone you can chat with .

  2. 杭白菊提取液对血管平滑肌细胞培养液SOD、MDA的影响

    Effect of Chrysanthemum Extract on Superoxide Dismutase and Malondialdehyde in Cultural Liquid of Bovine Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells

  3. 微波加工和蒸制杭白菊挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis of essential oil from Anthodiums of Chrysanthemum morifolium processed by microwave-airflow and steam calefaction

  4. 赣杭带早白垩世粗面岩锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄及其意义

    Early Cretaceous Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb Age of the Trachyte and Its Significances of the Gan-Hang Belt

  5. 结果加入杭白菊提取液后SOD值升高、MDA值下降,且随着杭白菊提取液剂量增加,作用增强。

    Results The value of SOD increased and that of MDA decreased when chrysanthemum extract was added , which had a dose response relationship .

  6. 高压液相色谱(HPLC)法测定结果表明:杭白芍以芍药苷为主,仅含少量的芍药内酯苷,并且未出现氧化芍药苷的吸收峰;

    The results of HPLC showed that paeoniflorin was the primary component in Hangzhou white peony , and only a little albiflorin with no oxypaeoniflorin was observed .

  7. 采用MATLAB统计工具箱中系统聚类分析法编程进行了京杭运河(常州市区段)水质监测断面的优化设置。

    Adopted by systematic accumulation programming under MATLAB statistic tool , the optimizing design of water quality monitoring section of Chang Zhou city part of Beijing-Hang Zhou Canal was developed .

  8. 抗菌肽(AntimicrobialPeptides,AMPs)为一类阳离子小肽,是生物体固有免疫系统的重要组成成分,具有广谱杭菌活性。

    Antimicrobial peptides ( AMPs ) are kinds of cationic peptides with broad antimicrobial spectrum and they are essential components of innate immune system .

  9. 编码蛋白氨基酸与来自GenBank的Kestrel、Obese和SC品系的来杭鸡比较,氨基酸的突变主要发生在28~32位。

    The deduced amino acid sequences were compared with strains Kestrel , Obese and SC Leghorn chickens from GenBank .

  10. 目的检测不同方法加工杭白芍的芍药苷含量及其FTIR光谱,为杭白芍的科学加工提供资料。

    OBJECTIVE To examine the paeoniflorin ( PF ) content and FTIR spectra of White Peony Root from different processes and provide informations for the process of White Peony Root .

  11. 220kV新杭线Ⅰ回防雷改进措施效果浅析

    Effect of Lightning Protection Improvement Measure on 22O kV Xin-Hang Line Circuit ⅰ

  12. 220kV新杭Ⅰ回线1961~1994年雷击闪络跳闸分析

    Analysis of lightning trip out of a 220 kV transmission line from 1961 to 1994

  13. 由于放松了制裁,我有了探寻古巴雪茄文化的念头,还想去看看亚历杭德罗·罗瓦伊纳烟草种植园(AlejandroRobainaTobaccoPlantation)——它恐怕是世界上最著名的烟草农场。

    The eased sanctions put me in the mood to explore Cuba 's cigar culture , including the Alejandro Robaina Tobacco Plantation , arguably the most famous tobacco farm in the world .

  14. 新寨大桥80m刚架拱的转体施工跨京杭运河1-90m刚架式系杆拱桥施工技术

    Construction technology for 1-90m rigid frame tied arch bridge over-crossing the Grand Beijing-Hangzhou Canal

  15. 220kV新杭线Ⅰ回路27年雷电流幅值实测结果的技术分析

    Technical analysis of testing results for lightning current amplitude in 27 years on 220 kV Xin-Hang No.1 line

  16. 在询问各自近况时,他们问我丈夫亚历杭德罗(Alejandro)新开的公司怎么样。

    While catching up , they asked my husband , Alejandro , how his new business was going .

  17. 目的:分析我国浙江省国家杭白菊GAP基地微波加工杭白菊和蒸制杭白菊的挥发油成分,为其质量评价提供科学依据。

    Objective : Analysis of the constituents of the essential oil extracted from the flowers of the Chrysanthemum morifolium processed by the microwave-airflow and the calefaction after steam process from the State Chrysanthemum GAP bases in Zhejiang Province and to provide scientific basis for quality control .

  18. 以木犀草素、绿原酸为对照,分别建立杭白菊中木犀草素和绿原酸的HPLC含量测定方法,比较不同花期、不同加工、不同储存时间和不同产地杭白菊中的木犀草素和绿原酸含量。

    Use luteolin , chlorogenic acid as the control , establish HPLC determination method of luteolin and chlorogenic acid separately and compare the different flower , different processing , different storage time and different areas of the Osmanthus Chrysanthemum grass elements and chlorogenic acid .

  19. 本文对赣杭构造带几个有代表性的火山岩型铀矿床进行了U-Pb同位素体系研究,证明铀源主要来自富铀的火山岩系。

    The study of U-Pb isotopic systems with representative volcanite type uranium deposits in Gan-Hang tectonic belts indicates that the uranium source was mainly derived from the rich uranium volcanic rock series .

  20. 目的:探讨杭白菊提取液对肿瘤坏死因子相关凋亡诱导配体基因(TRAIL)抑制人大肠癌细胞株DLD-1作用的影响及其可能机制。

    AIM : To explore the influence of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat on TNF-related apoptosis inducing ligand ( TRAIL ) - mediated apoptosis in human colon cancer cell line DLD-1 and its possible mechanism .

  21. 根据京杭运河徐州段水污染的特点,建立了包括BOD5、NH3-N、酚和DO4项水质组分的多元耦合氧平衡水质模型及COD衰减经验模型。

    According to water pollution characteristics of Xuzhou reach of Grant Canal , to establish an oxygen equilibrium water quality model and COD attenuation model with BOD5 , NH3-N , phenols and DO water quality components .

  22. 基于大学生主观幸福感的BKRSL思想政治工作模式探讨&以在杭高校为例

    On " BKRSL " Model of Ideological and Political Work Based on Subjective Happiness of Students & A Case of Universities in Hangzhou

  23. 南水北调东线工程实施后,京杭运河的正常水位比设计最高通航水位还高0.5m,对船闸的运行管理和船只通航带来一定影响。

    For the influence of South-to-North Water Diversion Project to Yangzhou ship locks , the design maximum water level is higher than the normal water level of the Grand Canal , the high water head affects its ' operation , management and navigation .

  24. 采用乙腈作为提取剂,选用DB-1701型毛细管色谱柱(30m×0.32mmi.d.,0.25μm)和火焰光度检测器,以毛细管气相色谱法测定杭白菊中乐果的残留量。

    Acetonitrile was used as extractant , DB-1701 capillary column ( 30 m × 0.32 mm i.d. , 0.25 μ m ) and flame photometric detector were selected , the residual dimethoate in Hangzhou white chrysanthemum was determined by capllary gas chromatography .

  25. 本文采用正交实验设计和Box-Behnken试验设计对杭白菊挥发油的四种提取方法进行深入研究,应用方差分析法以及响应面分析法确定不同提取方法的最佳提取工艺参数。

    In this paper , the volatile oil in Hangzhou White Chrysanthemum Morifolium was extracted by four methods and the experiment was studied by the orthogonal and Box-Behnken design , and the optimal extraction condition of four methods was defined applying with the analysis of variance and RSM .

  26. 结合杭金衢高速公路某段路面抗滑表层沥青混凝土配合比设计过程,及对有关试验数据整理分析,总结出了AK-13A(调整)型沥青混凝土试配经验。

    Combine with a ratio design of asphalt concrete mixture for antiskid pavement in a road section of Hang - jin - qu freeway and analyses on the test datum concerned , an experience of trial and error method for AK - 13A type asphalt concrete mixture was summed up .

  27. 徽杭高速公路朱村段滑坡群研究

    Research on Earth Slide Area of Zhucun Sector in Hui-Hang Expressway

  28. 淠史杭灌区水稻水分生产函数与优化灌溉制度研究

    Optimal irrigation procedure and rice-water production function in Pi-Shi-Hang irrigation district

  29. 杭-宁输气管道工程定向钻穿越设计浅析

    Discussions on Directional Drilling Crossing Design in Hangzhou-Ningbo Gas Pipeline Project

  30. 徽杭古道3日行

    3-day Travel Along Ancient Road Between An Hui & Hang Zhou