
  • 网络steven gerrard;Garrard;gerrard;Gerald;gerard
  1. 那天,杰拉德给了我很多帮助。

    Steven Gerrard helped me a lot that day .

  2. 利物浦俱乐部今天表示杰拉德的腹股沟手术很成功。

    Liverpool FC today confirmed that Steven Gerrard has undergone successful surgery on his groin .

  3. 他已经准备好接替杰拉德在英格兰队的首发位置。

    He is ready to displace Gerrard in England 's starting line-up .

  4. 1974年,普林斯顿的物理学家杰拉德·K·奥尼尔撰写了一篇论文,这篇论文会启发未来数年的多项计划。

    In 1974 , Princeton physicist Gerard K. O'Neill wrote a paper that would inspire plans for years to come .

  5. 巴西队队长卢西奥支持杰拉德当选FIFA世界足球先生。

    Brazil captain Lucio has backed Steven Gerrard for FIFA World Player of the Year .

  6. 还有利物浦队的杰拉德,切尔西队的特里,AC米兰队的卡卡是唯一入选的意甲联赛球员。

    Liverpool also has Steven Gerrard , John Terry is the only Chelsea player on the lineup and AC Milan 's Kaka is the lone star from Italy 's Serie A.

  7. 谷歌图片(GoogleImages)显示,杰拉德•福特(GeraldFord)和比尔•克林顿(billclinton)写字时,左手腕是直的,笔杆指向肩膀上方,就像右撇子一样。

    Google Images shows Gerald Ford and Bill Clinton writing with their left wrists straight , pens aimed back over their shoulders , just as right-handers do .

  8. 今天在弗吉尼亚州北部,海军举行了“杰拉德·R·福特号”的命名仪式,这是首支新型核动力航母,海军称其更加高效也更加节约成本。

    In north Virginia today , the navy christened USS Gerald R. Ford , the first of new class of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers that the navy says are more efficient and cost effective .

  9. 然而,国家大气研究中心(NationalCenterforAtmosphericResearch)资深科学家杰拉德·A·米尔(GeraldA.Meehl)表示,现在波动似乎正在进入变暖期,而且强大的厄尔尼诺现象也可能会推动相关循环进入新阶段。

    Now , however , the oscillation appears to be entering a warming phase , said Gerald A. Meehl , a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research , and strong El Ni

  10. 的确,据英国科技城(TechCityUK)行政总裁杰拉德•格雷奇(GerardGrech)介绍,现在流入伦敦的外国直接投资(FDI)的增长速度超过了柏林和纽约。

    Indeed , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) into London is now rising faster than in Berlin and New York , according to Gerard Grech , chief executive of Tech City UK .

  11. 去年夏天,巴塞罗纳足球俱乐部(FCBarcelona,简称:巴萨)球员杰拉德.皮克(GerardPiqué)和其流行歌手女友夏奇拉(Shakira)在旧金山组织了一次宴会。

    Last summer , FC Barcelona player Gerard Piqu é and his pop star partner Shakira organised a dinner in San Francisco .

  12. GERARDBUTLER杰拉德·巴特勒在三百勇士里他的腹肌可能是被数码技术加强了,但是这个苏格兰大块头证明了他不再需要这样的小把戏了。

    His abs may have been digitally enhanced in 300 , but the Scottish hunk has since proven he no longer needs any tricks of the trade .

  13. 美国航空首席执行官兼董事长杰拉德阿佩(gerardarpey)表示,美国航空是被迫采取行动。

    Gerard arpey , chief executive and chairman , said American had been forced to act .

  14. 中奥合资项目总经理杰拉德•塞巴赫(GeraldSeebacher)说,中国制造的DA40飞机还将销往国外。

    Gerald Seebacher , general manager of the project , says the Chinese-built DA40s will also be sold abroad .

  15. 纽约金融业高管杰拉德•维格努利(GerardVignuli)说,他之所以向拉茨求教,是因为他知道自己说话太快、吞掉了词尾,并且常常使用“比如说”(like)之类的停顿词来给自己思考的时间。

    New York financial executive Gerard Vignuli consulted Ms. Latz because he knew he spoke too fast , clipped the ends of words and often used filler words such as ' like ' to give himself time to think , he says . '

  16. 高盛的董事总经理中还包括纽约联邦储备银行前行长杰拉德•科里根(GeraldCorrigan),外界认为他是金融危机方面的卓越专家。

    And Goldman 's managing directors include Gerald Corrigan , a former head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , who is regarded as the pre-eminent expert on financial plumbing .

  17. 杰拉德,26岁,上周一直在担心他6个月大的女儿Lexi,小姑娘正在医院,从疑似脑膜炎的症状重恢复。

    Gerrard , 26 , has spent the last week worried about his six-month-old daughter Lexi , who has been in hospital recovering from symptoms similar to meningitis .

  18. 密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)商学院教授杰拉德oFo戴维斯和他的同事对53个国家在1960-2006年之间的数据进行了仔细分析。他们发现,人们在大公司里工作的比例越高,收入不均的水平就越低。

    In a careful analysis of 53 countries from 1960 to 2006 , University of Michigan business school professor Gerald F. Davis and a colleague found that the higher proportion of employees who worked in large companies , the lower the level of income inequality .

  19. 杰拉德•马特曼是商业法律师行SeyfarthShaw的合伙人,他指出前雇员可以因为见不得人的隐私被曝光,控告公司诽谤或报复。

    Gerald maatman Jr. , partner at the business law practice seyfarth Shaw , says that an ex-employee may charge his former employer with defamation or retaliation for exposing unseemly habits about him .

  20. 高盛的董事总经理、纽约联邦储备银行前行长杰拉德•科里根(GeraldCorrigan)负责牵头一项研究作为上述提议的依据,他表示:没有人(对于问题的严重性)还存在任何幻想。

    No one has any illusions any more [ about the severity of the problems ] , said Gerald Corrigan , managing director of Goldman Sachs and former head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , who led the study on which the proposals are based .

  21. 卡拉格和杰拉德的受伤超级不是时机。

    Injuries to Jamie Carragher and Steven Gerrard have been ill-timed .

  22. 鲍比和杰拉德为领先而决斗。

    Bobby and Girard are dueling each other for the lead .

  23. “那只是观点问题。”杰拉德说。

    ' That 's a matter of opinion , 'said Gerald .

  24. 我并不想再对杰拉德开枪,凯特琳。

    I have no intention of shooting Gerald again , caitlin .

  25. 埃拉?杰拉德,你真是我的好姐妹

    Ella Gerard , you are the sister of my soul !

  26. 但杰拉德和戈珍的爱情却走向死亡。

    But Gerald and Gudrun 's love went to death .

  27. 我是杰拉德?斯图尔特。我是这儿的老师。

    My name is Gerald steward . I 'm a teacher here .

  28. 你有什么东西是属于我的吧,杰拉德?

    You have something that belongs to me , jared ?

  29. 今天爱的比昨天多,明天爱的比今天多。——罗丝蒙德·杰拉德

    Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow . - Rosemonde Gerard

  30. 杰拉德(利物浦):他在2005年欧洲足球先生中位列第三。

    Gerrard ( Liverpool ): He got the3rd place in2005 European Player .