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sōnɡ rén
  • pine nut
松仁 [sōng rén]
  • [pine nut] 松子里面的果仁,可食

  1. 超临界CO2对整粒松仁萃取的研究

    Extraction of whole pine nut kernel with supercritical CO_2

  2. 本研究以三聚磷酸钠(STP)作为磷酸化改性试剂,用响应面分析法对工艺参数进行优化,对改性后红松仁分离蛋白的溶解性进行深入研究。

    In this study , sodium tripolyphosphate ( STP ) as a phosphorylation modification reagents , using response surface analysis to optimize the process parameters of the modified Korean pine nut protein isolate of the solubility .

  3. 松仁分离蛋白是从红松松籽仁中提取出的一种蛋白质产品。正交相FeS单晶纳米棒;

    Pine nuts are rich in protein . single crystalline tetragonal FeS nanorods ;

  4. 结果表明,浓度为20mg/mL的松仁抗氧化肽的还原能力达到相同浓度Vc的84.3%,对·OH、O2-·和ABTS自由基的清除率分别为96.91%、58.59%、100%。

    As a result , with a concentration of 20 mg / mL , the reducing ability of peptides was 84.3 % that of vitamin C ; hydroxyl , superoxide radical-scavenging activity and ABTS . scavenging activity were 96.91 % , 58.59 % and 100 % , respectively .

  5. 对用松仁多糖饲喂35d的小鼠进行体重、脏体比测定以及足跖增厚法和碳廓清试验,并测定了脾细胞中的白介素-2和白介素-6,以此对小鼠的免疫功能进行评价。

    In order to evaluate the immunity function of the small mice with weight 、 viscera / weight 、 foot increase the thick method and carbon clearance test , and we also detect the IL - 2 and IL - 6 in splenocyte .

  6. 固定化蛋白酶的制备及松仁多肽加工工艺研究

    Study on Preparation of Immobilized Protease and Pine Nut Polypeptide Processing

  7. 松仁奶酪生产工艺及其感官评定研究

    Study on Production Technology and Sensory Evaluation of Pine Nut Cheese

  8. 调味品:杏仁片,胡桃,坚果和松仁。

    Condiments : Almond Slices , Walnuts , Macadamias and Pine Nuts .

  9. 凯文返回商店买了三包美国松仁。

    Kevin returns to the store and buys three packages of American-grown pine nuts .

  10. 松仁油对小鼠脂肪组织中脂代谢相关基因表达的影响

    Effect of pine-seed oil on lipid metabolism-related gene expression in adipose tissue of mice

  11. 红松松仁分离蛋白的制备及降血脂功能研究

    Study on the Preparation and Hypolipidemic Function of Pine Nut Separation Protein from Korean

  12. 松仁玉米令人意外地好吃。

    Corn kernels stir-fried with pine nuts are strangely easy to get along with .

  13. 我们的学校在松仁路。

    Our school is on Shong-Lung Road .

  14. 制作的主要材料有松仁儿,桃仁儿,桂花,白糖以及茯苓粉。

    Its main ingredients were pine nuts , peach kernels , sweet-scented osmanthus , sugar and some Tuckahoe powders .

  15. 那些可以结出松仁的松树,将这些梦想通过松仁灌输到(食用者的)身体。

    Those trees that produce pine nuts infuse the dream into the physical through the consumption of the nuts .

  16. 唉可是,松仁将大师们调谐到一个天狼星梦想而非一个地球梦想。

    Alas , the pine nuts attuned the Grand Masters to a Sirian dream and not a dream of Terra .

  17. 韩国科研人员发现松仁中对心脏有益的脂肪酸可以激活饱腹感激素,让你感觉很饱。

    The heart-healthy fatty acids in pine nuts boost satiety hormones that make you feel full , according to Korean researchers .

  18. 酸性红枣松仁复合蛋白饮料稳定性研究&pH、电解质和均质条件对稳定性的影响

    Study on Stability of the Acidic Jujube-pine nut Compound Protein Beverage & Effect of pH , Electrolyte and Condition of Homogenization of Stability

  19. 松仁含有比其它大部分坚果更大量的蛋白质,同时松脂和松油对消化系统也是有益的。

    Pine nuts are filled with protein in larger amounts than most other nuts along with pine resin and oils useful to the digestive system .

  20. 红松松仁是一种营养价值很高的果品,富含蛋白质,是制备功能活性肽的良好蛋白质源。

    The pine nut is a sort of fruit with high nutritional value and rich in protein , which is a good protein source to make functional active peptides .

  21. 如果他们当初发现了地球本土的松树和松仁,也许一切都会太平无事的,他们也就可以调谐到地球梦想以取代天狼星梦想。

    Perhaps if they had discovered pine nuts from trees indigenous unto earth , all would have been well and they would have attuned to the dream of Terra in lieu of Sirius .

  22. 松仁,被誉为长寿果,它含有丰富的蛋白质(13.4g/100g)、脂肪(70.2g/100g)、维生素、矿物质等营养成分,人们以直接食用为主。

    Pine nut kernel , praised " Longevity kernel ", has rich nourishment components such as protein ( 13.4g / 100g ), lipids ( 70.2g / 100g ), vitamin , mineral substance and so on . People regard it as direct edibility generally .