
  • Songshan;【地名】【日本】Matsuyama
  1. 我强烈相信东莞松山湖科技产业园区是一个重要的机遇和CTC集团获得成功的机会。

    We strongly believe Dongguan Songshan Lake Science & Technologic Industry Park is a major opportunity and a great chance of success fro CTC Group .

  2. 我们深信CTC做出了一个最好的选择,落户松山湖科技产业园区是一个极好的战略性机会。

    We are convinced CTC has made the best choice and that it is a great strategical opportunity to be located in Songshan Lake Science & Technologic Industry Park .

  3. 运用改进的林隙模型ZELIG,对北京松山自然保护区的森林动态进行模拟和验证。

    Using modified gap model ZELIG , the forest dynamics was simulated at Songshan Mountain National Nature Reserve .

  4. 更新统中部底界对应古地磁布容正向期与松山反向期界线(B/M界线),年龄为0.78Ma;

    The Bottom of the Mid-Pleistocene corresponding to B / M Boundary , age is 0.78Ma ;

  5. 台湾官员表示,一架载有58名乘客和机组人员的复兴航空(TransAsiaAirways)客机周三在台北松山机场起飞后不久在侧飞状态下坠入河中,导致至少31人死亡,还有几人失踪。

    TAIPEI - A TransAsia Airways plane with 58 passengers and crew on board cartwheeled into a river shortly after taking off from a downtown Taipei airport on Wednesday , killing at least 16 people and leaving about a dozen missing , officials said .

  6. 东莞理工学院松山湖校区综合教学楼与现代教育中心

    Main Classroom Building & Modern Education Center , Dongguan Polytechnic Institute

  7. 北京松山国家自然保护区鳞翅目昆虫区系分析

    Insect Fauna of Lepidoptera in Songshan National Nature Reserve of Beijing

  8. 松山引水工程面板混凝土表面裂缝检查和处理

    Examination and Treatment of Slab Concrete in Songshan Water Introducing Project

  9. 北京松山自然保护区的经营目标与生态旅游对策

    Countermeasure and Target of the Eco-tourism of Beijing Songshan Mountain Natural Reserve

  10. 人为干扰对松山自然保护区植被的影响

    Influences of human disturbances on vegetation of Songshan National Level Nature Reserve

  11. 北京松山自然保护区大型真菌调查初报

    Brief report on investigation of macro-fungi in Beijing Song mountain nature reserve

  12. 北京松山自然保护区蒙古栎林的空间结构特征

    Spatial structure of Quercus mongolica forest in Beijing Songshan Mountain Nature Reserve

  13. 北京松山自然保护区两栖爬行动物调查报告

    Report of Investigation on Amphibia and Reptilia of Beijing Songshan Natural Conservancy

  14. 到松山的旅游真是令我难忘!

    How unforgettable it is for me to travel there !

  15. 松山引水工程大坝基础防渗设计

    Design of dam foundation seepage prevention in Songshan diversion project

  16. 松山引水洞放空操作水位异常变化分析

    Abnormality of Variation of Water Level While Emptying Operation to Songshan Diversion Tunnel

  17. 藤冈圣子,1982年生于日本爱媛县松山市。

    Seiko Fujioka was born in Matsuyama , Ehime Prefecture , Japan in1982 .

  18. 您知道到松山机场的路吗?

    Do you understand the way to Sungshan Airport ?

  19. 松山引水工程输水隧洞开挖施工

    Construction on Water Tunnel in Songshan Diversion Works

  20. 北京松山四种大型土壤动物群落组成和结构

    The Composition and Structure of the Four Soil Macrofaunas in Songshan Mountain in Beijing

  21. 北京松山自然保护区旅游开发与生态保护关系的探讨

    Research on the Relationship between Tourism Development and Ecological Protection in Songshan Nature Reserve

  22. 东莞松山湖新城生产力促进基地学术交流中心

    Academic Exchange Center of Songshan Lake New Town

  23. 北京松山自然保护区野生观赏植物资源及在园林中的应用

    Wild Ornamental Plant Resources in Beijing Songshan Nature Reserve and their Application in Garden

  24. 雾在对松山的山峡飘来飘去,天色眼看黑将下来。

    Mist was drifting through the pine-clad crags , it would soon be evening .

  25. 东莞松山湖总泄洪渠修建方案设计快速泪囊鼻腔吻合术

    Scheme design of the rapid flood channel building about Songshan Lake in Dongguan City

  26. 松山自然保护区净化服务功能及生态经济价值研究

    Purifying service of Songshan Mountain and its value

  27. 天祝县松山乡包虫病流行状况和传播因素分析

    An Analysis of the Prevalence and Transmission Factors of Echinococcosis in Songshan , Tianzhu County

  28. 松山地下热水勘探及成因模式探讨

    Exploration of underground thermal water in Songshan area and a discussion on its genetic model

  29. 东望洋山又名松山,也是旅游的好去处。

    Guia Hill also known as Pine Tree , tourism is also a good place .

  30. 三分之一&东莞松山湖新城图书馆

    Library of Songshan Lake New Town