
  • 网络Coniferales;conifer
  1. 与北温带联系紧密,高山花卉和现代松柏类植物多样化中心;

    It is the center of alpine flowers and current diversified pine and cypress plants .

  2. 黑龙江省西部干旱地区松柏类树种绿化的适应性研究

    Adaptability study on afforesting pine and cypress in the drought western area in heilongjiang province

  3. 光学显微镜下松柏类和菊科花粉的分类、鉴定要点及生态意义

    Pollen keys for identification of Coniferopsida and Compositae classes under light microscopy and their ecological significance

  4. 在陡坡上的松柏类植物森林和竹子灌丛;2900-3200米云南西部。

    Conifer forests ( Abies-Tsuga ) and bamboo thickets on steep slopes ; 2900 – 3200 m.W Yunnan .

  5. 早二叠世&晚二叠世早期南准噶尔、伊犁等地受欧洲东移的干旱气流的影响,有欧美型松柏类混生。

    The arid climate from Europe intruded into ILi region and South Junggar during ealy Permian to early stage of late Permian .

  6. 另一方面,落叶的银杏类和松柏类,以及裸子植物木化石中具有清楚的生长轮,又说明该地区的古气候存在着季节变化。

    On the other hand , some deciduous gymnosperms including Ginkgoales , and the presence of growth rings in the fossil secondary wood , indicate seasonal changes .

  7. 松柏类乔木是目前我国公墓绿化的主要树种,但对它们控制水土流失的生态功能却不十分清楚。

    Pine and cypress species are currently the main trees used in the construction , but their ecological effect on soil conservation is not quite clear yet .

  8. 冬天,这些新生的树木叶子脱落,不像之前那些松柏类植物,于是镜子一样的地表就再次暴露在阳光之下。最初的大火确实是一种自然灾害。

    In winter , the newcomers shed their leaves , unlike their piney predecessors , and a mirror-like terrain once again reveals itself.So yes , the initial fire is kind of an environmental hazard .