
  • 网络squirrel monkey;Saimiri sciureus
  1. 人工饲养条件下松鼠猴行为时间分配的观察

    Squirrel monkey ( saimiri sciureus ) behavior time budget under artificial breeding environment

  2. 2000年3至5月,在上海野生动物园人工饲养状态下对83只松鼠猴的行为时间分配进行了研究。

    From March to May 2000 , the squirrel monkey ( Saimiri sciureus ) behavior time budget of a random sampling was studied in Shanghai Wild Animal Zoo .

  3. 新域猴;僧帽猴;夜猴;吼猴;粗尾猿;蜘蛛猴;松鼠猴;狨;羊毛猴;狨;绢毛猴。

    New World monkeys : capuchin ; douroucouli ; howler monkey ; saki ; spider monkey ; squirrel monkey ; titi ; uakari ; woolly monkey ; marmoset ; tamarin .

  4. 结果表明:松鼠猴的体外受精率约为54%,30%分裂为2-细胞期,其中52%为3~4-细胞期。

    A fertilization rate approximating to 60 % was developed in this species with 30 % of the embryos proceeding to the two cell stage and 50 % of these to the four cell stage .