
  • 网络polar angle;pole angle;polar cusp
  1. 经向薄膜力在加载区附近小于未加载时的初始薄膜力No,随极角α的增大趋于No。

    The meridional membrane forces are smaller than the initial membrane force No of the unloaded sphere at the contact area , and it will increase with the polar angle a approaching No as a limit .

  2. Kinnersley时空中的Dirac能级分布与极角θ有关。

    The Dirac energy level in Kinnersley space has something to do with polar angle .

  3. 根据二维柱几何下输运方程对称性的特点,讨论了角度离散、求积组选取,提出极角采用双高斯求积组,方位角采用均匀分割ChebyshevGauss求积组的做法。

    An accurate angular quadrature is developed with cylindrical symmetry in transport equations . The most appropriate quadrature for polar angles is the Double-Gauss and for azimuthal angles is the Chebyshev-Gauss in cylindrical geometry .

  4. 通过对Al/Al2O3三层膜在不同极角的UPS谱线的检测,得到其Ei(k‖i)关系曲线。

    The E I ( k ∥ I ) relations of the sample with 3 bilayers was obtained from the UPS spectra at different polar angles . The I U characteristics of the samples at low temperature ( 77 K ) was also studied .

  5. 主要研究工作和创新之处如下:1.采用离心/极角刺激的实验方案和基于三维体数据的VFS分区法实现了对人脑视觉皮层各功能视区的描绘。

    The details are shown as follows : 1 . Under the experimental paradigm of eccentricity / polar angle stimuli , visual areas of human cortex were outlined using VFS method based on 3D volume data set .

  6. 向心滑动轴承最大比压处极角φ0的研究

    Research on Limit Angle in Maximum Pressure for Radial Sliding Bearing

  7. 各向异性多层圆柱壳与极角无关的应力和变形

    Stresses and Deformations Independent of Polar Angle in Anisotropic Layered Cylindrical Shells

  8. 基于双向极角的植物叶凸包生成算法

    Algorithm of Constructing Convex Hull for Plant Leaf Based on Bidirectional Polar Angle

  9. 基于极角特征匹配的动态签名鉴别算法

    Dynamic Signature Verification Algorithm Based on Polar Angle Matching

  10. 温度随极角变化的黑洞

    Black holes whose temperatures depend on polar angle

  11. 用极角和展角表述极坐标法测得的齿形误差

    Expressing Gear Involute Error by Polar Angle & Generating Angle in Polar Coordinate Measuring Method

  12. 本文介绍了用数值迭代的方法以求得极角θ为等分值的凸轮廓线的坐标。

    This paper deals with a numerical iterative method for determining cam profile coordinates of which the angular coordinate θ can be divided equivalently in form .

  13. 这种方法可直接获得向径、轨道速度等参数随时间或极角(绕地心的转动角)的变化,便于分析轨道转移与逃逸运动,有助于飞行使命与运动轨迹的设计。

    Radius and orbital velocities can be directly expressed as functions of time or polar angle , which is helpful for designing flight mission and motion trajectory .

  14. 通过固定不同的发射极角,我们得到芯能级光电子信号强度随样品方位角变化的光电子衍射曲线。

    With the different constant emission polar angles , we obtain the photoelectron diffraction curves about the Zn 2p3 / 2 XPS intensity as a function of the emission azimuth angle .

  15. 然后采用最小极角法实现两凸轮廓间的三角片重构,并讨论了非凸轮廓变换为凸轮廓的方法;

    And then the least polar-angle criterion is presented for linking two convex contours , and the method is also given in which non-convex contour is transformed to a set of convex contour .

  16. 以视网膜为研究对象,在不同的极角和光程位置能检测到部分偏振光或线偏振光,散射光束的偏振性呈现波动性变化,散射光束的偏振特性变化随散射角的增大而增大。

    Considering the retina as the research object , light polarization fluctuates for different polar angles and optical paths , and the variance of scattered light polarization increases with the growing of scattering angle .

  17. 基于小波分析原理和制图综合原理,利用线状要素的极角变化,对线状要素进行平滑和综合,实现了线状要素数据的制图综合。

    In this paper , based on the principle of multi-resolution analysis ( MRA ) and cartographic generalization , using variety of linear elements polar angle , linear elements have been smoothed and summarized and implemented cartographic generalization .

  18. 另外,由于在计算互模糊函数时极角和极径的取样间隔可以任意选择,突破了时域采样间隔的限制,可在时延和频移上均得到高精度估计。

    In addition , since sampling interval of both the angle and the radial can be chosen arbitrarily in the computation of the CAF , it removes the restriction of original time interval , and may provide the accurate estimation in both time-delay and Doppler shift .

  19. 讨论了各向异性多层圆柱壳与极角无关的应力和变形分析方法,并导出了挠度的常微分方程,给出了应力和位移的分析解和缠绕式纤维增强多层圆柱壳的相应计算公式。

    In this paper authors present a method to analyse stresses and deformations independent of polar angle in anisotropic layered cylindrical shells . An ordinary differential equation concerning deflection , its general solution and formula for analyzing stresses and deformation in fiber wind layered cylindrical shells are deduced .

  20. 提出了扩展极角定界搜索与点到曲线距离快速确定轮廓偏差值方法,同时给出了被测点偏差方向的确定方法,是本文的又一创新点。

    The method of using bound searching method of expansion polar angle and the distance between curve and point to determine deviation value for the profile quickly , meanwhile , the method to confirm deviation direction of measured point is given , which is another innovative point in this article .

  21. QRS环初始极向量角对室性心律失常定位的实验研究

    Experimental study on the localization of VPB in arrhythmias with initial-polar vector angle in QRS loop

  22. 本文在直柱位形中,用强耦合近似方法分析了重力场随极向角及环向角的变化对剪切磁场中漂移波稳定性的影响。

    The effect of the " gravitational force " varying with the poloidal and toroidal angles on drift wave instabilities is analyzed in a cylindrical magnetic configuration using the strong coupling approximation .

  23. 因此在开教授会的时候,我总是挑个极边极角的座位,惶恐地缩在一旁。

    Therefore , at a faculty meeting , I always chose a seat at an unobservable corner of the room .

  24. 从陀螺罗盘的位置观察地球,好象地球是绕着偏离其极轴ε角的一个轴在移动。

    From the standpoint of the gyrocompass the earth appears to be rotating about an axis making an angle ε with the true polar axis .

  25. 推导出了方位角手动跟踪和极轴时角手动跟踪方阵面上曝辐量及辐照度的计算公式。

    In this paper , the mathematical formulas for estimating the hourly and daily radiation received on the plane of manual azimuth tracking and hour angle tracking are derived .

  26. 为提高角点提取与匹配的效率,采用基于Bresenham圆形模板和Moravec算法的两步角点检测与确认方法,并利用稀疏模板与极性约束进行角点匹配。

    A fast two-step corner detection and confirmation algorithm is realized by using the Bresenham Circle template and Moravec filter , sparse filter and corner polar constraint are used for corner matching to reduce computing time .

  27. 极低的电角液比重,延长寿命。

    Very low electrolyte proportion , lengthened service life ;

  28. 定子电阻对凸极同步电动机功角特性的影响

    Influence of Armature Resistance on the Torque-Angle Characteristic of Salient Pole Synchronous Motor

  29. 天线罩使跟踪天线的极图产生了角位移。

    The radome causes an angular displacement of the tracking aerial polar diagram .

  30. 数控插齿加工的非圆齿轮极径与极角误差分析

    Errors analysis of the polar radius and polar angle of non-circular gear cut by NC cutting machine