
  • 网络Hydrogen Evolution Corrosion
  1. 为了解决该问题,传统的方法是在负极锌粉或锌膏中添加一定量的金属汞,汞与负极盖内壁的铜镀层反应生成汞齐,降低析氢腐蚀,抑制氢气的产生。

    To solve this problem , the traditional method is to add a certain amount of metal mercury which can react with the copper coating in the anode lid to produce amalgam and lower hydrogen evolution corrosion , so as to restrain the production of hydrogen .

  2. 通过对极化曲线的分析可知,A3钢在污水中的腐蚀的阳极反应主要是铁的溶解过程,阴极反应主要是吸氧腐蚀和析氢腐蚀过程。

    Through the analysis of polarization curves we can see that the anodic reaction of A3 steel corrosion in the sewage is mainly iron dissolution process , the main cathode reactions are hydrogen corrosion and oxygen corrosion .

  3. 锌的析氢腐蚀速度可用简单有效的量气法来测量,并介绍了几种可振动且分刻度为0.05mL的简单量气管。

    The corrosive speed is measured by measuring gas method , the method is simple and effective for zinc corrosion in alkaline electrolyte . The new measuring gas tube was suggested , the tube can be vibrated and its measuring graduation are 0.05 mL.

  4. 高温下,铝阳极晶粒脱落和析氢自腐蚀更剧烈导致阳极电流效率下降。

    At higher temperature , grains are falling and hydrogen evolution is aggravated so that the performance of aluminum anodes become less satisfactory .

  5. 基体在阳极极化状态下的电化学溶解和膜基结合处的强烈析氢行为是腐蚀源扩展的推动力。

    The dissolution of the substrate under anodic polarization and the hydrogen reaction behavior at the interface of coating / substrate became an impetus for the enlargement of a corrosion source .

  6. Mg-Ga-X三元合金具有阳极极化小,析氢量低,腐蚀产物易脱落,成泥少的特点,可开发为高性能的镁负极材料。

    For Mg-Ga-X alloy anode , polarization is low , hydrogen evolution is small , and corrosive offspring is easy to shed . The magnesium alloy anode can be used as anode material for high-powered battery .

  7. 锡是现在应用较为广泛的一种环境友好度高的材料,而且锡能提高负极锌粉的析氢过电位,降低析氢腐蚀。

    Tin is friendly to the environment and it can improve the hydrogen evolution reaction over-potential and reduce the hydrogen evolution .