
  • 网络forest economics;Forestry economics;Economics forestry
  1. 鉴于SFM的内在要求,有必要拓展林业经济学领域。

    These requirements will need the extension of the boundaries of forest economics .

  2. 当前的林业经济学模型,构建于木材永续利用体系和新古典经济学框架之上,存在着诸多局限性。

    The existing forest economic models , rooted in sustained yield timber management systems and neo-classical economic framework , are subject to many limitations .

  3. 本文简要介绍了我国林价研究的历史,阐述了近几年来我国林业经济学界在林价理论讨论中争议的几个主要问题的不同观点及各自的理由。

    This paper introduces briefly the history of study on the forest valuation in China . A few different viewpoints and basic theories argued among forestry economists are put forward .

  4. 农林业自然力经济学原理研究

    A Study of Farming & Forestry Natural Forces Economics Theory

  5. 对林业应用工作经济学专题讨论会;

    Symposium on ergonomics applied to forestry ;

  6. 林业分工论的经济学基础

    Economic Bases of the Classified Forestry Theory

  7. 林业生态环境的经济学分析

    The Analysis of Forest Ecology Economics

  8. 通过探讨林业土地复垦的经济学观点,指出了降低土地复垦费用的基本途径。

    The basic ways to reduce the reclamation cost were presented based on the economical considerations on the forestry land reclamation .

  9. 生态林业是以生态经济学原理为指导的、以木本植物为主体的森林生态经济系统。

    Eco-forestry is a forest eco-economy system which is directed by eco-economic theo - ry and is composed mainly of wood-plant .

  10. 本文从林业碳汇的微观经济学基础出发,将中国的林业碳汇市场在基本假设下范围扩大了,然后在此基础上对我国林业碳汇市场的运行机制进行了分析设计。

    This article from the forestry carbon sequestration of microscopic economic basis , the Chinese forestry carbon sequestration market in the basic assumption limits expanded , and then to our country forestry carbon sequestration market moving mechanism undertook analysis and design .