
  1. 林新强(AmbroseLamSan-keung)昨日在香港律师会理事会开会讨论他的任期之前宣布辞职。上周香港律师会曾举行特别会员大会,通过对这位会长的不信任动议。

    Ambrose Lam San-keung resigned yesterday ahead of a Law Society council meeting called to discuss his tenure , following last week 's vote of no-confidence in the two-term president .

  2. 发起不信任动议的香港律师任建峰(KevinYam)表示:(林新强)做了正确和光荣的事情,听取和尊重律师会多数会员的声音。

    Kevin Yam , a Hong Kong solicitor who initiated the no-confidence vote , said : [ Mr Lam ] did the right and honourable thing to listen to and respect the voices of the majority of the Law Society .

  3. 身为林李黎律师事务所(Lam,Lee&Lai)管理合伙人的林新强在公开支持中央的白皮书时,自称代表香港律师会。香港一些人士认为北京方面正在收紧对该市的管控,白皮书加剧了他们的这种担忧。

    Mr Lam , a managing partner at law firm Lam , Lee & Lai , claimed to speak on behalf of the society when he openly supported Beijing 's white paper - a document that has heightened concerns over what some see as Beijing 's tightening grip on the city .

  4. 发起不信任动议的香港律师任建峰(KevinYam)表示:“(林新强)做了正确和光荣的事情,听取和尊重律师会多数会员的声音。司法独立、法治:它们是香港作为一个国际城市的根本要素。”

    Kevin Yam , a Hong Kong solicitor who initiated the no-confidence vote , said : " [ Mr Lam ] did the right and honourable thing to listen to and respect the voices of the majority of the Law Society . Judicial independence , rule of law : they are fundamental for Hong Kong as an international city . "