
  • 网络On the Avenue
  1. 站在林荫道上的人们想熄灭大火,但不起作用。

    The people who stood on the avenue tried to extinguish the fire , but it 's of no avail .

  2. 宽阔的林荫道上,汽车川流不息。

    Automobiles speed in an endless stream along the boulevard .

  3. 不妨以去年开馆的西蒙手提包博物馆(SimoneHandbagMuseum)为例,它坐落于林荫道上的Bagstage大厦,这是一栋多层建筑,外形酷似手袋,除了展出馆藏的手袋之外,还集中展示本地手工制品以及本地品牌0917推出的产品;

    Consider the Simone Handbag Museum , which opened last year on Garosugil in Bagstage , a multi-story building designed to resemble a bag and to showcase local artisans and designs from its own brand 0914 , alongside its museum collection .

  4. 晚饭后他俩在宽阔的林荫道上散步。

    They were taking a walk on the broad avenue after dinner .

  5. 她坐在窗口,凝视着夜幕渐渐笼罩在林荫道上。

    She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue .

  6. 从树林里绿色的林荫道上隐隐约约传来。

    Came faintly down the green aisles of the forest .

  7. 中间战术Midway.三个互相争生意的商店老板在一条林荫道上租用了毗邻的店铺。

    Tactics Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall .

  8. 他们喜欢在林荫道上漫步。

    They liked to walk in the avenue .

  9. 她一醒来就听到外面林荫道上来来往往的卡年轰隆声。

    She could hear the roar of the truck motors outside on the mall .

  10. 他在林荫道上跑着,发出的声音就像十匹马在奔腾。

    He ran down the avenue , making a noise like ten horses at a gallop .

  11. 就在这时,树林里绿色的林荫道上隐隐约约传来一声锡皮玩具喇叭声。

    Just here the blast of a toy tin trumpet came faintly down the green aisles of the forest .

  12. 她走在我身旁,就仿佛还是在校园的大楼之间林荫道上。

    She was beside me as if we were still in the aisle between the buildings in the college .

  13. 走在敦化南路的林荫道上,你可以看到一些不错的咖啡馆。

    Walking along Taipei 's tree-lined Dun-Hua South Road , one can see quite a few really nice European style coffee shops .

  14. 我打猎归来,走在沿着花园的林荫道上,我的狗在我的前面跑着。

    I was returning from hunting , and walking along an avenue of the garden , my dog running in front of me .

  15. 他希望司机会在林荫道上追上他,但是什么都没有发生。

    He was hoping the driver would get out of the sedan and come after him , on the mall , but nothing happened .

  16. 但有一次,我看见他在庭院里黑暗的林荫道上,仰头观望布满群星的夜空。

    But once , I see he is in in court on dark lynx , admire a head wait-and-see the night sky that bestrews galaxy .

  17. 而此时,正是校园的高峰时间,林荫道上的学生熙熙攘攘,尽管如此,我依然可以在人群中灵活自如地穿行。

    It was the rushhouron the campus , the road was packed with students , but I was able to stay away from the crowds easily .

  18. 秋天的大水按着时令到来了,无数支流的水都涌进了黄河,河面变得更加宽阔。宽阔的林荫道上,汽车川流不息。

    All water from its numerous tributaries flows into the Yellow River , making it expand even wider . Automobiles speed in an endless stream along the boulevard .

  19. 事实上,大多数单身贵族还是很希望有一天——可以像其他同居男女一样——走在林荫道上——先不考虑婚姻的。

    Indeed , a majority of singles are hoping to walk down an aisle one day - even those in cohabiting couples - regardless of marriage 's obsolescence .

  20. 如今,有一部分大学生毕业后发现现实过于残酷而无法应对,开始回到校园,饭堂、宿舍、校园的林荫道上再次出现他们的身影。

    Graduate students who find the harsh realities of life off campus too hard to handle are sneaking back to sleep , eat and hang out at their former universities .

  21. 夏天里消夜时间你如果经过白沙路口就可以看到这儿林荫道上坐了一大排人,没错,他们就是冲着口味虾来的。

    In summer midnight snack time , if you come across the Baisha street intersection , a big line of persons sitting by the avenue for taste the spicy shrimp .

  22. 四条林荫大道从那广场向四方延伸。宽阔的林荫道上,汽车川流不息。

    Four avenues radiate from the square . Automobiles speed in an endless stream along the boulevard .