
lín mǎnɡ
  • jungle
林莽 [lín mǎng]
  • [wild jungle] 大片草木茂盛的地方

  • 林莽地带

  • 为深谷林莽所蔽。--宋. 沈括《梦溪笔谈》

  1. 他踏上了穿越林莽的艰难征程。

    He started to slog his way through the undergrowth .

  2. 赋予这果树,林莽和草丛

    The grass , the thicket , and the fruit-tree wild

  3. 太极(老虎)!太极!燃烧的火焰,游荡在那黑夜的林莽。

    Tiger , tiger , burning bright in the forests of the night .

  4. 在法国,侯爵大人此时正在坟墓里谛听着林莽的细语。

    Meanwhile , in France , the chateau of Monsieur the Marquis , now in his grave , listened to the whispering trees .

  5. 其次,针对林莽等人对食指所进行的典律化(或造神)运动,提出历史境况上的辩驳;

    Secondly , we will argue based on historical circumstances , contrary to the canonization ( god creation ) movement prosecuted by Lin Mang and etc.

  6. 而从白虎与幽莽关系的角度,这部小说又可挖掘出另一层文化意蕴,那幽深的林莽既是白虎的家园,也是生命的乐土,揭示出自然生命的同一性。

    There is another cultural meaning in this novel , which is the deep and serene forests is the White Tiger 's homeland and the living beings ' paradise .

  7. 在这片荒凉芜秽的林莽中间,时而也还能认出一些灌木丛,那是当年我们居住时的标志,是人工栽培和雅趣的产物。

    Scattered here and again amongst this jungle growth I would recognize shrubs that had been landmarks in our time , things of culture and grace , hydrangeas whose blue heads had been famous .