
lín dào
  • forest-road
林道[lín dào]
  1. 风仪卓立林道边,迎接复活着素衣。

    And stands about the woodland ride Wearing white for Eastertide .

  2. 基于GIS的山地林道网优化配置系统

    GIS-Based Optimum Disposition System for Mountain Forest Road Network

  3. 林道网理论研究的历史回顾与展望

    A Review and Prospect for the Research of Forest Road Network

  4. 低强度择伐伐区林道网合理密度的研究

    Study on the density of forestry road network for selective cutting system

  5. 福建林区林道等级确定方法的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Determining Methods of Forest Road Grades in Fujian

  6. 山地林道网对林地环境的影响

    Effects of Mountain Forest Road Network on Forest Land Environment

  7. 林道网合理养护年限的研究

    Study on Optimum Years of Maintaining Forest Road Network

  8. 山地林道网配置线型与合理密度

    Disposition Configuration and Optimal Density of Forest Road Network

  9. 山地林道网对森林综合效益影响的计量评价

    Quantitative Evaluation of Effects of Mountain Forest Road Network on Forest Comprehensive Benefits

  10. 山地林道路面土壤侵蚀的研究

    Research on the soil erosion of terrain road surface

  11. 关于林道开发效率评价的研究

    Study on Evaluation of exploitation efficiency of forest road

  12. 在近期德国林道诺贝尔文学奖得主大会上,我跟他交谈过。

    I spoke with him at the recent Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting in Germany .

  13. 论林道网的技术评价

    Technical Evaluation of Forest Road Network

  14. 林道网密度研究中与经济有关的几个问题分析

    An Analysis of Several Problems Relative to Economy in the Research of the Forest Road Network

  15. 山地林道网对林地环境影响的定量研究是一个重要的却一直未被重视的领域。

    Quantitative researches on the effects of mountain forest road network on the environment in forest land were ignored in past .

  16. 研究结果表明,该森林流域的泥沙来源主要是林道、沟道、沟道两边裸露地;

    Results show that the major sources of sediment are forest paths , stream channels and the bare land beside stream channels .

  17. 是采取诱杀措施的重要时期;诱饵树的设置应以通风向阳的林道旁或郁闭度较小林分的林窗中为宜,距寄主植物有一定距离的林缘更佳。

    Setting up alluring tree should be on sides of ventilative and sunny forest road or in forest windows with a less crown density .

  18. 2例诊断为希佩尔-林道病综合征,6例诊断为家族性肾透明细胞癌,3例诊断为遗传性乳头状肾癌。

    Two cases were diagnosed as Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome , 6 as familial clear cell renal cell cancer , and 3 as hereditary papillary renal carcinoma .

  19. 林道工程师早就知道如何估算运材道路的建筑费用,但在道路建成之前,却无法很好地预估道路建成之后的车辆运营费。

    Forest engineers have long known how to estimate construction costs of a logging road , but operating costs of log trucks can not be well quantified before the road is built .

  20. 研究结果表明,按林道开发效率系数趋近于1时所对应的路同密度来修建林道,可获得最佳的伐区开发效率。

    Results indicate that the optimum E E of the cutting area can be obtained when the forest road is constructed according to the corresponding road network density whose E E is approximate to 1 .

  21. 根据林道修建费用模型,探讨了集材路线的选择;依据适地适树的原则,对补植树种的选择给出建议。

    Based on forest road construction cost model , this paper analyzed the skidding routes ; according to the principle of matching tree species with site , some recommendations about the choice of replanting trees are given .

  22. 本文采用标桩法和侵蚀沟调查法,研究了山地林道路面土壤侵蚀的内在规律、建立了侵蚀量与时间、坡长和坡度三个因子的关系。

    This paper researches the interior law of the soil erosion of mountainous forestry road surface by means of stake and erosion ditch survey . The relationship among soil erosion and time , length and degree of slope .

  23. 以集材段运输成本、合理林道网密度等经济模型为基础,建立木材物流系统最低费用模型,计算分析了5种物流模式的费用;

    Based on the economical models of off-road transportation cost and optimum density of forest road network , model for the least cost of wood logistics system was proposed . The costs of 5 modes of wood logistics system were analyzed .

  24. 在今年6月27日,在德国林道的诺贝尔奖得主大会上,奥利佛告诉在场的同学,从自己的论文中学到了什么(奥利佛的论文内容包括开发一种测定混合蛋白渗透压的新方法)。

    On June 27th , he spoke to students [ at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting ] about what he learned from his thesis research , which involved developing a new method to measure the osmotic pressures of mixes of proteins :

  25. 林解释道,中文里,“鱼”和“余”同音。

    The Chinese word for fish sounds like the word for abundance , says Lum .

  26. 结果:5-HT细胞在中国林蛙消化道内均有分布,其中以胃贲门部分布密度为最高,胃体次之,空肠为最低;

    Results : 5-HT positive cells distribute throughout the digestive tract . The distribution density was the highest in cardiac part of stomach , followed by the body of stomach and then the jejunum .

  27. 阵雨已经过去了,东面的林上一道长虹,保证有个美好的黄昏;

    The shower was now over , and a rainbow above the eastern woods promised a fair evening ;

  28. 林则解释道,广东人把“柚子”称作“禄柚”,吉祥之意由此而来。斋菜春节期间,也有食素的传统。“佛教认为,吃斋能净化自己,”林解释道。

    This vegetarian dish is eaten because it 's " part of the Buddhist culture to cleanse yourself with vegetables , " says Lum .

  29. 滨海沙生植物面积将不断减少,甚至消失,即滨海的防护林的第一道防线将消失。

    The coastal sand plant will continue to decline or even disappear , that the coastal protection forest in the first line of defense will disappear .