
  • 网络enum;enumeration;enum type;Enumeration Types;enumerated type
  1. 或者说,在一个拥有枚举类型Size变量的类中做这些更有意义吗?

    Or , does that make more sense in a class that has a variable of enum type Size ?

  2. 我创建了一个枚举类型EventType和类成员eventType。

    I created an enum type , EventType , and class member eventType .

  3. 位于枚举类型定义之后的main()方法演示了这种用法。

    The main () method following the enumerated type definition demonstrates the usage .

  4. 最后,我们要定义一个枚举类型,用于表示topic有多少不同的类型。

    Finally , we 'll define an enumeration of the different types of topics available .

  5. 该枚举类型的values()方法返回这种类型的不同值的有序数组。

    The values () method of the enumerated type returns an ordered array of the different values of that type .

  6. 惟一需要当心的是枚举类型。它被定义成一个Class,而不是其他模型类中的Interface!

    The only other thing to watch out for is that an enumerated type is defined using a Class and not an Interface like other model classes .

  7. 最后,模式(Schema)中的枚举类型可能是原始类型的联合(union)的一个组成部分。

    Finally , an enumerated type may , in a Schema , be part of a union with a primitive type .

  8. 在概要文件中可以创建的UML类型包括原型、类和枚举类型。

    The only UML types that can be created in a profile are Stereotypes , Classes , and Enumerations .

  9. 针对JavaScript字符串、DOM节点列表或者自定义枚举类型,编写任意复杂的查询

    Write arbitrarily complex queries against JavaScript arrays , DOM node lists or your own enumerable types

  10. 另外,您可以看到values()方法返回了一个由独立的Grade实例构成的数组,每个数组都有一个枚举类型的值。

    Additionally , you can see that the values () method returns an array of individual Grade instances , each with one of the enumerated type 's values .

  11. 类似地,将NaN包含在枚举类型中也不会使其接受NaN值。

    Similarly , including NaN in an enumeration does not make it accept NaN values .

  12. 该模型是作为COM组件进行设计的,包括3个类和一个枚举类型,如图2所示。

    The model is a COM , which includes three classes and one enumerate type , as Graph 2 displays .

  13. 其数据结构要比传统shell更加强大,它的语法简单易懂,其底层虚拟引擎支持从枚举类型到线程等所有内容。

    Its data structures are more capable than a traditional shell , it 's syntax is familiar , and its underlying virtual engine supports everything from enumerated types to threads .

  14. XMLFormsGenerator通过在具有枚举类型的元素或属性上使用定制的ECore注释,检测对于open选择的需要。

    The XML Forms Generator detects the need for an open selection through the use of a custom ECore annotation on an element or attribute that has an enumerated type .

  15. PostalAddress元素的type属性实际上是枚举类型,它允许选择4个字符串之一。

    The type attribute of the PostalAddress element is actually an enumerated type , allowing a choice of one of four strings .

  16. 例如,在前面的例子中,Size枚举类型有一个定价因子参数和getPricingFactor()方法。

    For instance , in the previous examples , the Size enumerated type had a pricing factor argument and getPricingFactor () method .

  17. 用OWL可以指定这些属性的类型,比如主机名是字符串类型,而操作系统则有可能是一个特定选项已经指定的枚举类型。

      OWL lets you specify the type of these properties , so hostname would be string , whilst operating system might be an enumeration with specific options specified .

  18. 枚举类型%1不是已知的特殊枚举类型。

    Enumeration type % 1 is not a known Special Enumeration type .

  19. 使用枚举类型的基本概念很简单。

    The basic concept of using enumerated types is simple .

  20. 概要文件所拥有的枚举类型只能适用于它本身,在这个概要文件外部将不能使用。

    The profile-owned enumerations are not generally available outside of the profile itself .

  21. 应该对枚举类型使用这些方面吗?

    Should you use these aspects with enumerated types ?

  22. 枚举类型使我们能够从多项选项中选择一个值。

    The enumerated types enable us to select one value from multiple options .

  23. “图书”这个类拥有一项枚举类型的属性。

    The Book class has an attribute whose type is that of an enumeration .

  24. 这就是枚举类型的简单性。

    That 's the simplicity of enumerated types .

  25. 枚举类型的一般范例如下面的图所示。

    A common example of enumeration for gender is shown in the following figure .

  26. 枚举类型不能实现接口。

    Enumeration types cannot implement interfaces .

  27. 支持枚举类型。

    Support for enumerated types .

  28. 该模式也支持使用枚举类型、规则表达式和自定义验证机制。

    The schema also supports the use of enumerations , regular expressions , and custom validation mechanisms .

  29. 枚举类型的属性集的值,可以被枚举列出。

    The values for attributes whose type is an enumeration would be enumeration literals owned by that enumeration .

  30. 这些节点代表了具体的标识符,如函数名称、变量及枚举类型。

    These represent specific identifiers , such as the names of functions , variables , and enumerated types .