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guǒ xù
  • infructescence
果序[guǒ xù]
  1. 翅果油各个性状对果实产量的重要性分别为单位冠幅面积内的果序数每个果序上的结果数果实重量结果枝比率。

    Correlation and regression analysis for Elaeagnus mollis showed that the importance of the different characters to the yield were ranked at : the number of infructescences per unit area , the number of fruits per infructescence , fruit weight and fruit branches proportion .

  2. 类似于鹅耳枥属的几种乔木的任何一种,具有类似于忽布的簇生的果序。

    Any of several trees resembling hornbeams with fruiting clusters resembling hops . A young goose is a gosling .

  3. 采用中药化学成分的预试分离系统对化香树果序治疗鼻炎、鼻窦炎的有效成分进行了提取。

    To extract effective constituent to treat nasal sinusitis and acute or chronic rhinitis from infructescence of Platycarya Strobilacea Sieb . et Zucc by system studying technology .

  4. 分别采用溶剂沉淀法、铅盐沉淀法对化香树果序中黄酮类化合物提取分离工艺进行了对比研究,结果表明,铅盐沉淀法较溶剂沉淀法的提取效果好。

    To study technologies of separating flavonoids from infructescence of Platycarya Strobilacea Sieb . et Zucc by solvent precipitation and deposition method with lead salt . The results showed that the latter had the better efficiency .