
  • 网络College of Cardinals
  1. 这一枢机主教团上周选举出了新教皇,但是他昨天正式就任罗马教皇。

    The College of Cardinals elected the new Pope last week , but he was officially inaugurated as Pope yesterday .

  2. 梵蒂冈方面,教皇弗朗西斯任命了枢机主教团的新成员,主教团负责为教皇提出建议并选择教皇继任者。

    At Vatican , Pope Francis has named the newest members of the college of Cardinals which advices the Pope and chooses his successor .

  3. 枢机主教团的主持牧师表示,只有所有红衣主教到达罗马才会确定教皇选举日期。

    The dean of the college of cardinals says the date for the conclave won 't be set until all cardinals are in Rome .

  4. 我也要以枢机主教团的名义,向从各国到来的国家元首和代表团致意;

    In the name of the College of Cardinals , I also wish to express my respects to heads of state , heads of government and the delegations from various countries .