
bǐng xì bāo
  • stalk cell
柄细胞[bǐng xì bāo]
  1. 多细胞盾状腺毛由1个基细胞、1个柄细胞和一个由8-12个分泌细胞构成的头部组成。

    The peltate hairs were composed of one base cell , one stalk cell and a head of eight to twelve secreting-cells .

  2. 结果显示蜜腺在叶、花上均有分布,且蜜腺结构基本相似,均由分泌细胞、柄细胞、基细胞和亚腺组织构成;

    Results show that nectaries are distributed in both leaves and flowers , moreover , the structure of all nectaries are similar which are generally composed of secretory cell , stalk cell , foot cell , and subgland ;

  3. 而柄细胞无论用什么条件都不能萌发,因此柄细胞是死亡细胞,柄细胞的形成是细胞凋亡的过程。

    However , the formation of stalk cells is a process of cell death .

  4. 多细胞盐腺由1个收集细胞、1个柄细胞和多个分泌细胞组成。

    While the multi-cell salt gland consists of a collecting cell , a handle cell and several secreting cells .

  5. 约10~5的细胞趋化性群聚,形成了一个多细胞有机体,沿着有机体的中轴,细胞分化成不同的类型,最后,形成柄细胞和孢子细胞组成的一个成熟的子实体。

    A chemotactic aggregation of ~ 10 ~ 5 cells leads to the formation of a multicellular organism . Cell-type differentiation and sorting result in a small number of defined cell types organized along an anteroposterior axis .

  6. 腺毛发育由原表皮细胞经两次平周分裂形成,由于柄细胞和头部细胞所处的分化状态不同而发育成两类腺毛。

    The glandular hairs are formed by second successive periclinal divisions of the initial cell , and because of the different meristematic state of the stalk cells and apical cells , they developed into two types , capitate and peltate .

  7. 盘基网柄菌细胞分化和凋亡的形态特征

    Morphology of the apoptosis and cell differentiation during Dictyostelium discoideum development

  8. 盘基网柄菌细胞分化及细胞比例的调控

    Control of cellular differentiation and cell proportion in Dictyostelium discoideum

  9. 紧张部急性穿孔后鼓环和锤骨柄阳性细胞数量增加,穿孔边缘无阳性染色。

    The positive cells increased after perforation in the annulus and handle of malleus region , but no immunostaining cells were found at the edge of perforation .

  10. 源自垂体柄的生殖细胞瘤及Rathke囊肿MR信号不同;

    Germinoma and Rathke cleft cyst were original in pituitary stalk and had different MR signal .

  11. 流式细胞术结合组织学方法对柄海鞘血细胞的分类

    Classification of Haemocytes in Styela clava by Flow Cytometry and Histology Method

  12. 一种是肉眼可见的长腺毛,由一行多细胞组成(至少15个)的柄和单细胞头部组成。

    One which was visible by bare eyes was the longer glandular hair , and was composed of more than 15 petiole cells and unicellular head .

  13. 1例成人垂体柄孤立性朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增多症

    Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the infundibulum in adult : a case report

  14. 进一步研究发现,鹿茸再生是从角柄上发生的,是基于干细胞的过程,该过程取决于角柄远端骨膜干细胞受到周期性的激活。

    Further studies showed that deer antler regeneration is taking place from pedicle periosteum , and it is based on stem cell regeneration process , which depends on the activation of the stem cell on the distal of pedicle periosteum periodicity .

  15. 盘基网柄菌(Dictyosteliumdiscoideum)中线粒体及细胞色素c在柄细胞凋亡中的作用的研究

    Study on the Effect of Mitochondria and Cytochrome c during Dictyostelium Discoideum Apoptosis

  16. 在荔枝种子发育的各阶段,对落果与坐果果柄进行比较解剖观察,结果表明,落果果柄各组织、细胞的数量和分化速度均不及坐果果柄。

    Numbers and the differentiation speed of tissues and cells of fruit stalks at different stages during seed development in litchi were observed by means of comparative anatomy .

  17. 叶背毛为较稠密的长柄树状毛、长柄叉状毛、长柄单枝毛和长柄、腺细胞大的粘性腺毛的泡桐为高度抗病。

    Leaves with dense long stalk dendroid trichome , long stalk forked trachoma and long stalk trichome with big glandular cells were resistance to the disease .