
  • 网络Preah Vihear Temple;Temple of Preah Vihear
  1. 国际法视角下的柏威夏寺领土争端及其对我国的启示

    The Territory Dispute of Preah Vihear Temple and It 's Revelation to China-From the Perspective of International Law

  2. 柏威夏寺是东南亚历史悠久而最杰出的寺庙之一。

    Preah Vihear temple has a long history in Southeast Asia .

  3. 柬埔寨&泰国第二次柏威夏寺争端分析

    The Second Dispute between Cambodia-Thailand over Preah Vihear Temple

  4. 第三部分,主要介绍柏威夏寺的建筑特点与宗教信仰即该寺的建筑风格、技术和宗教信仰。

    Third , research on the architectural style and religious beliefs of the Preah Vihear temple .

  5. 第一部分,主要介绍柏威夏寺的地理位置与进入路线,以及该寺名称的主要含义。

    First , to introduce the location of Preah Vihear Temple and the meaning name of the monastery .

  6. 柬泰柏威夏寺及其附近领土争端透析

    A Thorough Analysis of the Dispute about Preah Vihear Temple and the Territory nearby between Cambodia and Thailand

  7. 同时,我们也不难看出,在柏威夏寺争端问题上柬埔寨和泰国有着各自的打算。

    Meanwhile , we also find that the Preah Vihear temple dispute in Cambodia and Thailand have their own plans .

  8. 在柬埔寨境内具有900年历史的高棉印度教庙宇柏威夏寺2008年被联合国宣布为一处世界遗产。

    The900-year-old Khmer Hindu temple called Preah Vihear in Cambodia and Phra Viharn in Thailand was declared a world heritage site in2008 .

  9. 泰国政府在是否希望把柏威夏寺从世界遗产名录中除名的问题上含糊其辞,但同时也表示不理会黄衫军的诉求。

    The Thai government has waffled on whether it wants the withdrawal of the temple 's World Heritage status , but has also dismissed the Yellow Shirt demands .

  10. 1962年,国际法院把柏威夏寺判归柬埔寨,柬泰双方的领土争端暂时平息了下来。

    In1962 , the International Court of Justice awarded ownership of Preah Vihear Temple to Cambodia and the territorial dispute between Cambodia and Thailand calmed down for the time being .

  11. 柏威夏寺所处的独特地形和柬泰两国在历史上的纠葛等因素,造成了双方在该地区争端的复杂化。

    Preah Vihear temple in which the unique topography and the Cambodian-Thai bilateral disputes , such as in the history of the factors that contribute to the complexity of the parties to the dispute in the region .

  12. 从地理位置上来看,柏威夏寺正好处于柬埔寨和泰国边境的战略制高点上,站在古寺之上可以俯瞰柬埔寨北部平原。

    From the geographical point of view , just in the Preah Vihear temple on the Thai border in Cambodia and the strategic high ground , standing on top of the temple overlooking the plains of northern Cambodia .

  13. 围绕历时九百年的柏威夏古塔寺的争端一度处于静止状态,但是今年年初局势开始紧张,泰国之前曾授权柬埔寨让联合国认可该寺庙为世界文化遗迹。

    The once dormant dispute over 900-year-old Preah Vihear turned tense earlier this year after Thailand granted Cambodia the right to have the temple recognized as a United Nations World Heritage site .