
  • 网络Cupressus;cypress
  1. 作者比较了柏木属13个代表种的核型,并结合地理分布、化石、古地理、古气候等资料,认为地中海地区的地中海柏木C。

    After making comparison among the karyotypes of 13 representive species in Cupressus , combined with data from geography , fossil , palaeogeography and palaeoclimate , the author thinks that C.

  2. 柏木属植物和桧属植物以及雪松。

    Cypresses and junipers and many cedars .

  3. 柏树一种柏木属的常绿树和灌木,原产于欧亚大陆和北美洲,而且长有成鳞片状的对生叶和木质的球果。

    Any of various evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Cupressus , native to Eurasia and North America and having opposite , scalelike leaves and globose , woody cones .