
mǒu yī tiān
  • One day;other day
  1. 某一天,我的一个朋友在Facebook发布了一条信息,说不断有人把她即将到来的产假称作度假,她感到很沮丧。

    The other day , a friend of mine posted a message on Facebook FB + 0.12 % stating her frustration that people keep calling her upcoming maternity leave a vacation .

  2. 我是说,以前某一天。

    I mean , it was just the other day .

  3. 现在签订的合同可能在将来的某一天就会失效。

    A contract signed now might be invalidated at some future date .

  4. 我们期盼着他某一天再回家。

    We were expecting him home again any day now .

  5. 他确实没有排除将来某一天美国可能会提供直接援助的可能。

    He did leave open the possibility of direct American aid at some unspecified date in the future

  6. 其中一组必须在某一天突然戒烟,从一天一包的吸烟量降至零。

    One had to quit abruptly on a given day , going from about a pack a day to zero .

  7. 因为某一天,当你转过身来,看看你打算建房子的地方,那将是一片空地。

    Because one day when you turn around around and look at the place where you planned to build your house , it will be an empty lot .

  8. 之后的某一天,我在自家的露台上晒太阳,抬头看发现公寓外墙漆成了黄色。

    Then one day , sitting in the sun on my patio , I looked up and realized the outside of my condo was done in yellow siding .

  9. 讲到这里读者应该明白了,我的这个故事是与练越野跑的朋友有关的,下面我要说的是我和几个胆大的朋友某一天的发现…

    That being said , I shall relate the story of my friend on the CC run , and the subsequent discovery made by myself and some intrepid7 companions one day ...

  10. “快闪商店”的店铺是临时租用的,今天这个店铺在做样品特卖,明天晚上可能就在举行私人鸡尾酒会了。某一天突然开张的“快闪商店”,在一天或几周后就会消失得无影无踪。

    A pop-up retail space is a venue party the next evening . The trend involves " popping up " one day , then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later .

  11. 如果某一天你对一个垂头丧气的人打招呼,当他抬头微笑时,你就能发现,简单的问候有多么大的力量。

    The day you speak to someone who has their head held down and when they lift it up and smile , you realize how powerful it is just to open your mouth and say , " Hello . "

  12. 即使我们起初所能构建的只是ModelT(福特公司的第一款量产车型,泛指很原始的东西),持续的改进终究会在某一天让我们推进到构建更加时髦和现代的东西。

    Even if all we could build at first was a Model T , continuous improvement would some day let us advance to building something more sleek and modern .

  13. 据推测,将来某一天会允许对SOAP流量使用智能代理和防火墙。

    This will supposedly allow intelligent proxying and firewalling of SOAP traffic some day .

  14. 我只是希望某一天,TOM不会回顾过去并后悔离家太久。

    I just hope one day Tom doesn 't look back and regret being gone so much .

  15. 直到某一天,加拿大壁球名将乔纳森•鲍尔(JonathonPower)回应了她。

    One day , Jonathon Power , a Canadian squash luminary , answered her call .

  16. 知情人告诉USWeekly:他们在4月进组拍摄时以朋友的身份相处,然后某一天,他们突然开始接吻了。

    ' They started the shoot in April as friends , and then one day they just started kissing , ' a source told Us Weekly .

  17. 但苹果公司表示,他们不会在2017年的某一天发布新款MacPro。

    But it said it would not be able to release a " new model " until an unspecified point after 2017 .

  18. Alfred是CleverSense的第一款产品,或许在未来的某一天,它的技术可以用来帮用户寻找最喜欢的电视节目,或是最喜欢的旅游胜地。

    And it is just Clever Sense 's first product ; the technology could someday help you discover TV shows or vacation destinations .

  19. 太阳熄灭之日Q.如果太阳某一天突然灭了,地球会怎么样?

    SUNLESS EARTH Q. What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly switched off ?

  20. 或许将来某一天你的iPhone或者黑莓手机可以兼有登记证的功能&而这一天来到的要比你想象的早得多。

    Perhaps it was inevitable that your iPhone or Blackberry would double as a boarding pass some day & and that day is arriving sooner than you think .

  21. 假设您某一天发现光标不受控制地移动,或者发现用户数据的打包文件被移动到FTP服务器。

    Say you come in one day and see a cursor moving independently or find packaged files of user data moved to the FTP server .

  22. 一直萦绕在苹果头上的问题是,会不会有一款全新的产品比如定于明年初发售的AppleWatch在某一天成为明星,在销售额和利润上堪比iPhone?

    The question remains if a brand-new product the Apple Watch due for release early next year could one day become a star that rivals the iPhone in terms of sales and profit .

  23. DaveThomas展示了一个更为复杂的应用程序,采用这种方法来创建若干Proc以检验的星期的某一天。

    Dave Thomas shows an even more sophisticated application , using currying to create several Procs to check for the day of the week .

  24. Twitter表示,在7月初奥运选拔赛期间,某一天中关于奥运会的推特信息量比2008年北京奥运会期间全部的发布量还要多。

    There were more tweets about the Olympics in a day during the trials last week , according to Twitter , than during the entire 2008 Summer Games . '

  25. 当然,如果这样的容忍没有底线,也许某一天你醒来,结果发现自己的公司突然成了第二个安然(Enron)。

    The trouble with letting too much slide , of course , is that one day you wake up and you 're Enron .

  26. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)和福特(Ford)的注意力全都在对方身上,直到某一天发现他们的利润大多都流向了丰田(Toyota)。

    General Motors ( GM , Fortune 500 ) and Ford ( F , Fortune 500 ) obsessed over each other until one day Toyota ( TM ) had stolen the bulk of their profits .

  27. InfoQ:咱们看看另外一面,比如说同一个教练,某一天发现自己处于控制文化中。

    InfoQ : Let 's take the flipside , let 's say the same coach wakes up the next morning and finds himself in a control culture .

  28. 从某一天开始,QQ肖像永远不再闪烁,博客永远不再更新,就在这样的沉寂中,宣告这份友情终结。

    One day from the beginning , QQ portrait never blinks , blog and never updated , in the silence , declared the end of friendship .

  29. 那就学习Android平台编程吧,而且某一天,您将拥有包含几百万名移动电话用户的潜在市场&其中一些人可能需要使用您的程序。

    Learn to program on the Android platform , and you will someday have millions of mobile phone users in your potential market & some of whom may have a need for your program .

  30. 周内效应(day-of-the-weekeffect)指股票市场在一周内的某一天的平均收益率比一周内其他任何一天的平均收益率高或者低,且在统计上有显著性。

    The day of the week effect means that in the stock markets , the yield rate on one day is significant higher or lower than the rest other day during a week .