
  1. 地方化、口语化是查揆竹枝词用语的显著特点。

    In conclusion local and colloquial terms are the notable feature of Bamboo Branch Gamut .

  2. 还针对个别的民俗词语进行意义的考释,力图对查揆竹枝词中的民俗词语有全方位的认识和把握。本文最后对查揆在竹枝词的创作中词汇使用特点进行了归纳和总结。

    Also focus on individual words for the meaning of folk interpretation , trying to estimate the Bamboo Branch Gamut of Zha kui and have a full range of knowledge and grasp . Finally , I summarize and conclude the characteristics of glossary usage of Zha kui .