
  • 网络Kohler;KOEHLER;W.Kohler
  1. 夏洛特(Charlotte)、艾米丽(Emily)和安妮(Anne)用柯勒(Currer)、埃利斯(Ellis)和阿克顿·贝尔(ActonBell)为笔名发表了维多利亚文学中的杰作。

    Charlotte , Emily and Anne produced their masterworks of Victorian literature under the pseudonyms Currer , Ellis and Acton Bell .

  2. 用于视网膜成像的眼底相机由两部分组成,其一是具有正调焦镜的成像光路,另一是环形的柯勒照明光路。

    The fundus camera used in imaging retina includes two parts : fundus imaging path with a positive focusing lens and annular Kohler illuminating path .

  3. 它变得那么,我的职责简单解释的来源和所柯勒,埃利斯和阿克顿贝尔写的书的作者。

    It becomes , then , my duty to explain briefly the origin and authorship of the books written by Currer , Ellis , and Acton Bell .

  4. 柯勒提出了语用对等的概念,指出翻译是一种为了满足目标读者的需要而传递原文作者的意图的一种交际行为。

    Koller puts forward the notion of pragmatic equivalence and regards translation as a communicative activity to communicate the author 's intention and meet the readers ' need .

  5. 人们一直认为,所有的名字都是根据柯勒,埃利斯和阿克顿贝尔在现实中,出版的作品,一个人生产。

    IT has been thought that all the works published under the names of Currer , Ellis , and Acton Bell were , in reality , the production of one person .

  6. 联合新闻社说,国际货币基金会执行理事会主席柯勒在华盛顿和南韩财政经济部长官田允?吉吉?会谈时,提及邀请北韩参加明年年会之事。

    Yonhap news agency said IMF Managing Director Horst Kohler mentioned imf 's invitation to North Korea to attend next year 's annual conference when Kohler was meeting South Korea finance-economy minister Jeon Yun-churl in washington .