
liǔ qiānɡ
  • a kind of local opera popular in Shandong Province
  1. 表演:柳腔的演出淳朴自然、装束简单、形式单一。

    Performance : it is natural and has simple dressing and form .

  2. 但是,笔者真心的希望,即墨柳腔能够获得更多的重视,得到更好的发展。

    But I sincere hope that Liu Qiang can acquire more values and get a better development .

  3. 语言:柳腔的语言采用青岛地方方言,唱词和念白,具有口语化和大众化的特点。

    Language : its lyrics and spoken parts have a strong local color with colloquial and popular features .

  4. 伴奏:柳腔的主要伴奏乐器是四胡和唢呐,用四胡给柳腔伴奏听起来格外悠扬婉转,唢呐是吹垛子用的。

    Accompaniment : the main accompaniment is four-stringed bowed instrument and so-na trumpet , the former is melodious and the latter is used in blown sub-stack .

  5. 天后宫的戏楼是即墨地方戏曲柳腔戏的主要发祥地和表演的舞台之一。

    Tin Hau Temple of the Peking Opera Theater is a local opera Jimo Liu chamber opera and performing the main stage for one of the birthplace .