
  • 网络liukin;Anastasia Liukin
  1. 柳金的爸爸就是和别人共享金牌的。

    The dual-medal rule of old was good to Liukin 's father .

  2. 祝贺柳金昨晚出色的表现,这是她应得的。

    Congrats to Liukin for such a wonderful performance yesterday , she deserved it .

  3. 美国家长也为此付出很多,为了把他们的孩子培养成下一个瓦姆巴赫或是娜斯佳•柳金(NastiaLuikin)而掏了数亿美元的腰包。

    U.S. parents dig deep also , spending hundreds of millions on training in hopes their kids become the next Abby Wambach or Nastia Luikin .

  4. 这次柳金的老爸对结果非常失望。

    This time , though , Valeri Liukin said he was disappointed with the outcome .

  5. 但是柳金在打分中成功脱险,现在成为了奥运冠军。

    But Liukin came through when it counted , and is now an Olympic champion .

  6. 柳金的分数最高,也只有15.2,根本无法再次赶上中国队。

    The top score was Liukin's15.2 , which was not enough to overtake the Chinese .

  7. 在过去的两年中,柳金和强森一直是有好的对手,强森几乎赢取了全部比赛。

    Liukin and Johnson have been friendly rivals the last two years , with Johnson winning almost everything .

  8. 周五,娜斯蒂亚-柳金赢得女子体操金牌,击败了既是队友也是朋友的肖恩-强森。

    Nastia Liukin won the gold medal in women 's gymnastics Friday , beating teammate and friend Shawn Johnson .

  9. 柳金老爹好像看不到柳金动作中所有的错误,然后期望裁判们跟他一样眼瞎。

    Valeri seems to ignore all the mistakes Nastia makes , and then expects the judges to do the same .

  10. 很多人说是优雅给了柳金在全能中战胜肖恩的机会。

    It was that grace , many say , that gave Liukin the edge over the small , muscled Shawn Johnson in the all-around .

  11. 北京奥运会女子体操个人全能的获得者柳金应邀与周三赴芝加哥参加欧普拉脱口秀的录制。

    Olympics champion Nastia Liukin , aka the all-around gymnastics gold medalist , arrives for her taping of The Oprah Winfrey Show on Wednesday in Chicago , Ill .

  12. 由于肩伤,前全能冠军梅美尔被迫退出女子全能比赛,同时柳金只能参加团体赛和高低杠的卫冕。

    Chellsie Memmel was forced to withdraw from her all-around title defence because of a shoulder injury , while Anastasia Liukin was limited to the team event and her uneven bars defence .

  13. 柳金的参赛项目包括平衡木、高低杠、自由体操和跳马,一共得过四金五银,九块世界锦标赛的奖牌。

    Nastia competes in the balance beam , uneven bars , floor exercise and vault and has won a total of nine World Championship medals ( four gold and five silver ) .

  14. 何,说是16岁,但是她的年龄很可疑,获得了金牌。柳金18岁获得银牌,本届奥运会的第四枚奖牌。

    He , who is listed as16 , but whose age has been at issue at these Olympics , won the gold . Liukin , 18 , won silver , her fourth medal of these Games .