
  • 网络Qaidam Desert
  1. 末次冰期以来柴达木盆地沙漠形成与演化

    Desert Formation and Evolution in Qaidam Basin since the Last Glacial Epoch

  2. 柴达木盆地沙漠沉积中的新仙女木事件记录

    The record of Younger Dryas event in eolian sand deposit in Qaidam Basin

  3. 东北地区末次冰期以来气候地貌的若干特征末次冰期以来柴达木盆地沙漠形成与演化

    Some Characteristics of the Climatic Landform in the Northeast China Since the Last Glacial Epoch Desert Formation and Evolution in Qaidam Basin since the Last Glacial Epoch