
  • landmark;landmark building
  1. 在邀请国外著名建筑师领衔新中央电视塔、国家演艺中心等中国标志性建筑设计的同时,许多优秀的中国建筑师正在努力走上中心舞台。

    While famous foreign architects are invited to lead the designs of landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV tower and the National Center for the Performing Arts , many excellent Chinese architects are making great efforts to take the center stage .

  2. 马拉多纳说,如果我们赢得了世界杯冠军,我就绕着方尖石塔(一座高大的纪念碑,布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的标志性建筑)裸奔一圈。

    " If we win the World Cup , I 'll get naked and run around the Obelisk ," he said , referring to the tall monument that marks the center of the city and serves as its most famous landmark .

  3. 北京市地铁运营有限公司(BeijingMassTransitRailwayOperationCorp.Ltd)的这个亏损数字超过了奥运会主场馆鸟巢的建设成本。鸟巢已成为北京的一大标志性建筑,造价人民币31.3亿元。

    That loss for the Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corp. , Ltd is more than what it cost to build the Olympic Bird Nest stadium , now a major landmark in Beijing , which cost 3.13 billion yuan to build .

  4. 一个年轻的民主国家需要一个良好的精神中枢,诺曼·福斯特(NormanFoster)爵士摒弃了国会大厦原有的浮夸风格,把它变成了能够恰如其分地展现一个共和国生机勃勃的精神风貌的标志性建筑。

    a young democracy needs a good spiritual center , and Sir Norman Foster exorcised the Reichstag of Wilhelminian bombast , transforming it into a fitting symbol for a vibrant republic .

  5. 它的标志性建筑包括EeroSaarinen设计的英格斯溜冰场(IngallsRink),PaulRudolph设计的艺术与建筑大楼,以及LouisKahn设计的艺术画廊和英国艺术中心。

    Some of these more iconic buildings include Ingalls Rink by Eero Saarinen , the Art and Architecture Building by Paul Rudolph , and Louis Kahn 's Art Gallery and British Art Center .

  6. investa的住宅业务最近较为低迷,但该公司不断开发一系列商业地产项目,包括在悉尼和墨尔本商业区的一些标志性建筑。

    Investa recently weathered a downturn in the residential sector , but it has continued to develop a commercial property portfolio that includes landmark buildings in the business districts of Sydney and Melbourne .

  7. 2014年开业的瑰丽酒店(Rosewood)也在朝阳区,对面就是位于商务区的标志性建筑、由荷兰建筑师雷姆·库哈斯(RemKoolhass)设计的中央电视台新大楼,这是这家洛杉矶酒店连锁集团首次在亚洲开店。

    After that came the Rosewood , across the street from the iconic CCTV Tower that was designed by the Dutch architect Rem Koolhass in the city 's business district , also in Chaoyang . The hotel opened in 2014 , and marked the Asia debut of the Los-Angeles based chain .

  8. 纳什维尔许多标志性建筑现在都已经淹没在水下。

    A lot of landmarks right now in Nashville under water .

  9. 作为中国特有的一种标志性建筑小品,牌坊的历史源远流长。

    Archway is proper symbol architecture in China of long standing .

  10. 是的,它是上海的标志性建筑。

    Oh , yes . It 's a landmark of Shanghai .

  11. 东方明珠是上海标志性建筑。

    The Oriental Pearl Tower is a landmark of Shanghai .

  12. 这是深圳最著名的标志性建筑。

    This is the most famous landmark building is Shezhen .

  13. 城市标志性建筑布局探研&以上海为例

    Study for the Urban Landmark Architecture & Make Shanghai as an Example

  14. 中山广场上的标志性建筑&中国工商银行大连市分行

    The Hallmark Building on Zhongshan Square & ICBC Dalian Branch

  15. 这座塔就是古代浮梁县的标志性建筑。

    This tower is a landmark piece of architecture in Fuliang town .

  16. 这个984英尺(约300米)高的标志性建筑使人能欣赏到城市惊人的美景。

    The 984ft-tall monument offers breathtaking views over the city .

  17. 东方明珠是南京青岛旅游价格的标志性建筑。

    The oriental peal tower is a landmark of shanghai .

  18. 参观世界著名的标志性建筑,如泰姬陵、埃及金字塔

    See world famous landmarks such as the Taj Mahal or the Egyptian Pyramids

  19. 标志性建筑的精神与生态特征

    Spirit and Ecological Identity of Indicative Building On Sushis Spirit Sign of Spirit

  20. 自然馆是院内四大标志性建筑之一。

    The Nature Pavilion is one of the four landmarks inside the park .

  21. 它是渤海大学的标志性建筑。

    Actually it is the symbol of BoHai University .

  22. 丹麦最有名的标志性建筑&小小美人鱼就坐落在港口处。

    In the harbor sits Denmark 's best-known landmark : the Little Mermaid .

  23. 大兴生物与医药产业基地标志性建筑群创作实践

    Landmark Building of Daxing Bioengineering & Pharmaceutical Industrial Base

  24. 有些人说,这甚至不是一座真正意义上的建筑,不是一个标志性建筑;

    Some people say , ' This isn 't even a real building .

  25. 内江市沱江三桥是一座位于市区中心的城市桥,建成后将成为内江市的标志性建筑,开发其景观价值和商业价值是十分重要的。

    The Third Tuojiang Bridge is an urban bridge in the center of Neijiang .

  26. 国家体育场和国家游泳中心是2008年北京奥运会的标志性建筑。

    National Stadium and National Swimming Center are landmark buildings for2008 Beijing Olympic Games .

  27. 标志性建筑设计的人性化思考

    The Study of Humanization of Marking Architecture Design

  28. 它是最有名的和心爱的纽约市标志性建筑之一。

    It is one of the most famous and beloved New York City landmarks .

  29. 它可以说是威海的标志性建筑。

    It is the landmark structure of Weihai .

  30. 深圳市市民中心是新的深圳市政府大厦,是深圳市的标志性建筑。

    It is a new government mansion and a symbol structure of Shenzhen city .