
  • 网络MARK;The Target
  1. 最后,我们利用表面电浆共振技术来研究线形DNA与标靶DNA之间的结合动力学。

    Finally , we carried out the study of the binding kinetics between linear DNA and their target DNA by SPR .

  2. 通过对CCD摄像机所拍摄的标靶板图像的处理,获取汽车四轮定位相关数据和参数。

    Through the processing of the target board images captured by CCD camera , the related data and parameters can be obtained .

  3. 基于PSD的电子激光标靶的研究

    Research of a PSD-based Electric Laser System

  4. 结合FCM和紫外-可见光谱分析,可推断BTW与细胞中DNA结合,抑制癌细胞核酸的生物合成;DNA是BTW作用的标靶。

    After analyzing FCM and UV-Vis spectra we speculate that BTW binds with DNA and inhibits the synthesis of nucleic acid , that DNA is the target molecule for BTW.

  5. 首先由计算机生成矩形标靶,由高性能CCD摄像系统采集仿真系统输出的矩形标靶图像,然后再处理出该仿真系统的MTF曲线。

    Firstly , the computer produced a bar chart and it was the input image . Then , the bar chart was imaged via the system , and the CCD camera taken the output image .

  6. 医学期刊报道称,有研究专门针对影响胰岛素和营养物质的关键分子,即对雷帕霉素标靶(以下称TOR)的抑制。

    The research , reported in the journal Cell Reports , involved blocking key molecules that affect the action of insulin and a nutrient signalling pathway called Target of Rapamycin ( TOR ) .

  7. 近年研究显示,Survivin在肿瘤的发生发展中起重要作用,与肿瘤预后密切相关,有望成为一种广谱的肿瘤诊断标记物,并可能是抗肿瘤治疗的重要标靶。

    Recent studies have shown that Survivin appears to have an important role during tumor development and progression , be closely related to tumor prognosis , and become a useful extensive diagnostic marker of tumor and a helpful potential target for tumor treatment .

  8. 利用计算机自动识别和匹配标靶校正摄影镜头畸变

    Ens-induced Distortion Calibration Using Computer Automatic Target Recognition and Matching

  9. 因此,几丁质合成酶是一种极为理想的抗真菌药物标靶。

    Therefore , chitin synthase was an ideal target for antifungal drug .

  10. 激光标靶是盾构激光导向系统的重要组成,其测量结果直接决定了导向系统的测量精度。

    Electronic laser target is an important component of shield laser guidance system .

  11. 标签是精明的商家细分市场的明确标靶。

    Labels are smart businessmen breakdown clear target market .

  12. 鱼叉式网络钓鱼以特定的对象为标靶。

    Spear phishing is targeting a particular organization .

  13. 本方法使用平面标靶,其模型包含径向畸变和切向畸变。

    The method only need planar pattern target includes radial distortion and tangential distortion .

  14. 有了新的标靶

    have a new target in their sights .

  15. 即使有了所有药物标靶

    But even with all these drug targets ,

  16. 规定了标定用的投影标靶设计原则,以保证标定的精度;

    The design rules of the projective calibration targets are given to take accurate measurement .

  17. 2008年,大摩选择了滨海复合型休闲地产项目,作为大摩在中国海南的投资标靶。

    In2008 , JPMorgan has chosen coast compound recreational property as its investment target in Hainan .

  18. 这让100万训练有素的退伍军人,有了新的标靶

    Over a million veterans trained to use them have a new target in their sights .

  19. 文章研究了一种基于投影标靶的手眼相机线性标定方法。

    A linear calibration method of the hand-eye camera is proposed according to the projective calibration targets .

  20. 利用正方形标靶上等间距方环,分析了摄像机镜头畸变情况。

    The equal spacing ring on the square target is used to analyze the lens distortion of the camera .

  21. 他们的箭法令人瞠目,整个目标大约只有我们正常标靶黑色靶心的大小。

    Their marksmanship was astonishing , the whole target being roughly the size of our normal black bull 's-eye .

  22. 在这份黑白的告别视频里,加内特戴着墨镜独自走在标靶中心内。

    He narrates the short , black-and-white video that shows him walking alone through Target Center with sunglasses on .

  23. 盾构机隧道施工的自动导向系统,采用全站仪和激光标靶相结合的自动测量技术。

    The shield automatic guide system adopts the technique of automatic survey using the total station combined with the laser target .

  24. 在摄像机标定中常用黑白棋盘格作为标靶,而获取棋盘格角点位置是标定的首要任务。

    The checkerboard is usually used as a target in camera calibration , and the extraction of corners extracting is important .

  25. 在使用人类粥样硬化斑块作为生物标志物和治疗标靶的有效性研究中,应该考虑这些暂时性的斑块类型的改变。

    These temporal phenotypic plaque alterations should be taken into account for biomarker and therapeutic target validation studies using human atherosclerotic plaques .

  26. 本论文的成果主要有地段标靶理论,该理论解决了各种地段的特征分析方法;

    The main achievement in this paper includes location target theory , which is to settle the character analysis of all locations .

  27. 这主要因为活性小分子与标靶蛋白的相互作用是生命中最基本的相互作用之一,也是生命有机化学及药物化学研究的重要内容。

    This is because that the interaction between lead compounds and target proteins is a core issue of organic chemistry and drug research .

  28. 而药物标靶的鉴定,新疗法的设计若达到理想的效果通常也需对某些分子反应进行操作。

    The identification of drug targets and the development of new therapies also often require manipulating molecular reactions to produce a desirable outcome .

  29. 在实验中使用了基于二维平面标靶的标定方法对摄像机进行了标定工作,较为准确的完成了标定工作。

    Target calibration method based on two-dimensional plane of the camera calibration is used in the experiments , and calibrated work is finished more accurately .

  30. 总之,本实用新型中测量标靶结构简单、可重复使用、一次校准后精度保证;

    In general , the measurement target has simple structure , and can be repeatedly used , and can ensure the precision after one-time correction ;