
  • 网络Tree vigor;Tree Pose
树势 [shù shì]
  • [the way a tree is growing] 树木的长势或外观

  • 树势矮小

  1. 大量研究表明,接种AMF可以促进植物生长,改善植株的矿质营养和水分代谢状况,提高植株的光合作用能力及抗逆性,从而增强植株的树势。

    A great deal of researches reveal that AMF inoculation can not only promote plant growth , improve the plant mineral nutrition and water metabolism , but also improve photosynthetic capacity and resistance of plants .

  2. 柑橘溃疡病菌(Xanthomonascitrisubsp.citri,Xcc)引起的柑橘溃疡病是目前柑橘上最重要的细菌性病害之一,病害发生时树势衰弱且果实品质受到严重影响,极大地威胁着世界柑橘产业的发展。

    Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp . citri ( Xcc ) is one of the most bacterial disease of citrus and vastly threatens to the citrus industry worldwide through weaken the plant growing and influence the quality of fruit .

  3. 猕猴桃树势对果实大小与品质的影响

    Effects of Tree Vigour on Fruit Size and Quality of Kiwifruit

  4. 不同有机肥对黑李产量及树势的影响

    Effect of Different Organic Manure on Yield and Growth of Black Plum

  5. 随后会引起树势衰弱,明显两年结一次果。

    It may subsequently become a weak grower and a distinctly biennial cropper .

  6. 巴基斯坦毛刺线虫在苹果园的发生及其与树势的关系

    Occurrence of Trichodorus in apple orchards and its relation to growth visor of trees

  7. 锰毒害对苹果树势及树体锰分布的影响

    Effects of Manganese Toxicity on Tree Vitality of Apple and Distribution of Manganese in Tree

  8. 红枝佳酿、佳里酿树势强,产量高;梅鹿辄树势中庸,产量高。

    The vigor of growth of Merlot was middle , and the production was higher .

  9. 不同树势鸭梨贮藏营养的变化都呈现相同的规律。

    The variation law of storage nourishment of off-lying developmental branch and short branch were the same .

  10. 柑桔根腐病症状主要表现为黄叶、落叶、树势衰弱及根系坏死、腐烂。

    The citrus root rot disease causes leaf yellow , fallen , growth weak and root rot of citrus plants .

  11. 发病严重时引起落果、落叶、枝梢枯死,树势生长衰弱。病果含油率降低30.4&42.3%。

    When the disease was serious , it caused 30.4 & 40.3 % decrease in the yield of oil of olive fruits .

  12. 调查研究了环剥对富士苹果树枝类构成、树势、枝干病害等的影响。

    The effects of girdling on branch composition , tree vigor , trunk disease of Fuji apple trees were investigated in orchards .

  13. 不同树势梨树抗寒性由强到弱的顺序为:苹果梨(强)>苹果梨(中)>苹果梨(弱)。

    The sequence of different tree potential pear tree was Pingguoli ( strong ) > Pingguoli ( middle ) > Pingguoli ( weak ) .

  14. 其中栽植密度、树龄、土壤类型是通过影响树势而间接影响病害的发生发展。

    Especially , the cultural density , apple age and the physiognomy of orchard indirectly influenced disease occurrence and development by apple tree size .

  15. 种植感病品种、树势强旺、雨日多、雨量大为该病的流行因素。

    The epidemic factors of the disease are : planting the susceptible varieties , overgrowing the trees , raining more days and more rainfall .

  16. 枝条生长量与生长期水分供应有关,充足的水分供应,可保树势健旺。

    The branch growth amount is related with the supplied water in growth period , and the sufficient water can make the trees strong and vigorous .

  17. 其果实品质优,树势强健,抗旱能力强,感病率低。

    Their fruits had better quality , the trees vigour is sturdy , they had strong ability to fight a drought and had a low susceptible rate .

  18. 从春梢中部短截修剪,能够刺激扶风早实核桃植株的生长,对增强树势和抑制枝条枯死有明显作用。

    The cutting back pruning of central section of spring shoots could stimulate growth of precocious walnut , and obviously strengthen the tree vigor and control branches withered .

  19. 更新骨干枝,既能增强树势,平衡结果,又可提高成形中的产量;

    In backbone replacing , it can strengthen the tree power and balance the fruiting , and it can also raise the yield in the process of renewing ;

  20. 扶风早实核桃由于结实早,结果多,分枝多,养分过度消耗,容易引起树势过早衰弱。

    Early fructification , more fruit-bearing and abundant branches of precocious walnut in Fufeng county will cause that nutritional components is overly consumed and tree vigor get untimely weakened .

  21. 以生态梨园建设为基础,提出了以增强树势为中心的高效生产技术规程。

    Based on the construction of ecological pear orchard , the technique rule of high benefit pear production was suggested to strengthen the development of the tree as a center .

  22. 本文从园地选择、品种、砧木、清除病源、科学用药、控制树势等几个方面探讨了李细菌性穿孔病的综合防治技术。

    In this article , selection of orchard site , variety , rootstock , elimination of diseased tissues , chemical application , etc , to control the disease systematically are discussed .

  23. 主要研究结果如下:1不同树势对冬枣的落果程度有影响,强树的总落果量>弱树>中等树。

    The main results were as follows : 1 Different tree vigor affected the degree of dropping fruits . The number of dropping fruits was strong tree feeble tree middle tree .

  24. 对受松毛虫、松干蚧为害的松林实行封山育林,可有效改善松林环境,增强树势,增加天敌数量,有效控制害虫危害,达到有虫不成灾,保持松林的正常生长。

    Forest conservation was carried out in pine stand attacked by Dendrolimus punctatus and Matsucoccus Cockerell for improving stand environment , tree growth and increasing natural enemies thus controlling insect pest .

  25. 大树移植后,树木抵抗力减弱,适应外界环境变化的能力降低,容易受到病虫害的侵袭,从而导致植株树势衰退甚至死亡。

    The ability of trees resistance Lower , to adapt to environmental changes weakened , vulnerable to the invasion of pests and diseases , resulting in plant vigor recession or even death .

  26. 此外,通过比较研究不同品种、果实发育期以及树势对果实日灼敏感性的差异,确定了不同品种果实日灼阈值温度以及这些因子在影响果实日灼中的效应参数。

    Meanwhile , the study on difference of fruit susceptibility to sunburn in cultivars , fruit growing stages and tree vigor has made it possible to incorporate these parameters in the model .

  27. 在500株幼树中,发病株率高达97.5%,~级病株率80%,病情指数75.5,导致部分叶片干枯或脱落,嫩枝枯死,树势衰弱,生长严重受阻。

    The incidence of disease was 80 % , the disease index was 75.5.As infected , the leaves and twigs died back or fell , the growth of young trees slowed down sharply .

  28. 采取避开气温骤升期套袋,并加强肥水管理,提高树势等措施,可使日灼果率降到2%以下。

    It makes less than 2 % of incidence of bagged apples that the time of accelerating increase in the temperature is avoided while bagging and increases fertilizer , moisture management and living capacity etc.

  29. 树主枝延长枝角度为90°,留果量按主枝横截面积计算应为2个/cm2时,树势比较健壮,果实品质较好,产量最高。

    While 90 angles of extension leading branch and 2 numbers per cross section area of main branch , pear tree vigor was hale , fruit quality was higher , and yield was highest .

  30. 结果表明,秋剪根显著增加了新生吸收根数量、吸收面积、叶片质量和壮短梢数量,可维持中庸树的树势;

    Pruning in autumn apparently increased the quality of absorbing roots , absorbent area and the short shoot proportion , The long and middle shoot percentage , shoot growth and the leaf condition were quite improved .