
  • 网络tree disease
  1. 齐齐哈尔市园林树木病害综合治理对策

    Comprehensive Control Measures of Garden Tree Disease In Qiqihar City

  2. 对园林树木病害进行了系统调查,查清我市园林树木病害94种,为园林树木病害防治提供科学依据。

    We investigated garden tree disease in Qiqihar city , and found that there were 94 diseases altogether , This provides scientific basis for tree disease control .

  3. 福州附近经济植物病害名录Ⅲ.果、茶、桑和树木病害

    A list of economic plant diseases in Fuzhou suburbs ⅲ . diseases of fruit , tea . camellia , mulberry and tree plant

  4. 杭州附近园林树木真菌病害

    Fungous Diseases on Shade Trees in Hangzhou