
  • 网络campus card
  1. 基于校园卡CA验证签名的设计与实现

    A Design Implement of Verify Signature on Campus Card CA

  2. 基于校园卡CA的BS模式数字签名设计

    The design of digital signature of BS model based on campus card

  3. 第四部分是对WEBService技术在校园卡系统中的应用。

    Fourthly , we describe how the web service technology is applied in the systems .

  4. 试论ERP管理模式对校园卡系统建设的优化

    Optimization of Campus-card Managing System by ERP

  5. 基于XP理论的校园卡应用系统研究

    Research on Campus Card Application System Based on XP Theory

  6. 本文在对现今流行的SET协议与3-DSecure协议充分研究与分析的基础上,提出了基于校园卡的第三方在线支付平台方案。

    The protocol of SET and 3-D Secure are analyzed in this paper , and the scheme of third party online payment platform system based on campus card is also presented .

  7. 通过使用UP的开发思想和UML的建模手段,解决了校园卡交易管理软件系统这样的复杂软件的建模问题。

    With the use of the development idea of UP and the instrument of UML modeling , the modeling problem of the complex software such as the Campus Card system is resolved in the paper .

  8. 具有安全和计算能力的CPU卡是学生就业网签约和认证的重要条件,而大多数校园卡是较低安全机制且无计算能力的射频IC卡。

    It is an important condition of sign compact in the web for student 's job that the CPU card is safe and have the ability of calculate . But mass campus card is RF IC card without the ability of calculate .

  9. 本课题的目标是实现校园卡系统中的银行业务,即校园卡金融交易在银行系统中的实现。

    The campus-card financial deal is carried out in bank system .

  10. 二工大校园卡双机热备系统的应用研究

    The Application Research on Backup of Campus Card Data in University

  11. 基于校园卡的图书馆管理系统集成

    Integration of Library Automatic Management System Based on Campus IC Card

  12. 高校银行校园卡管理功能设计

    Design for Management Function of Bank IC Card in School

  13. 基于校园卡系统的用户身份认证算法改进

    Improvement of User Identity Authentication Based on Campus Card System

  14. 实验结果表明,该检测模型对校园卡欺诈检测具有较好的适应性。

    Test results show the detection model possesses preferable practicability and self-adaptability .

  15. 基于校园卡的学生经济状况评价方法研究

    Research on the Evaluation Method of Student Economy Status Based on Campus Card

  16. 目前各学校应用最多的是校园卡。

    Currently each school the application is the most is a campus card .

  17. 校园卡系统的安全性研究和应对策略

    Study on IC Card System Security and Coping Strategy

  18. 图书管理系统与校园卡集成的接口设计与应用

    Designing and Applying the Interface between Library Management System and Campus Card Concerning System

  19. 最后提出了校园卡应用系统的发展方向。

    Finally , the direction of the campus card application system was put forward .

  20. 本文对一个功能较为齐全的校园卡管理系统做了洋细的设计与实现。

    This paper makes the detail design and implementation to a campus card management system .

  21. 银行校园卡网上签单设计

    The Design of Signing on Network Using IC Card Combined with Bank and School Application

  22. 校园卡的使用过程中,存储了学生每一次的使用数据。

    The using data of each time will be stored during process of using the campus card .

  23. 校园卡没有形成统一的管理体系,导致工作效率低,增加管理难度。

    There is no unified campus card management system , resulting in low efficiency , increase the management difficulty .

  24. 系统资源集成管理的案例:校园卡职能及其优化

    The Campus Card and Its Optimization & An Analysis of the Case in the Management of System Resources Integration

  25. 随着国内高校校园卡系统的逐步建立,使得电子商务的应用环境在校园中逐渐成熟。

    Along with the construction of campus card in universities of China , the environment of E-commerce is also established in campus .

  26. 使用了与银行的前置机通信技术,实现了校园卡与银行卡的资金圈存。

    Using the technology of front-end communications with the bank , that achieves to transfer money from the bank card to campus card .

  27. 接下来,对运行于校园卡系统中的中心数据库的分布式方案进行了研究,详细介绍了分布式解决方案中重要的中间件技术。

    Third , it researched the distributed project of the central database on campus system , introduced detailedly the important DM technique in it .

  28. 纵观全局,现在正是在全校范围内建立全新的校园卡系统的良好时机。

    Looking at the overall situation , that now is the establishment of a new school within the campus card system a good time .

  29. 对校园卡的高效管理需要一个能够具有多种功能的管理系统,来完成对校园卡各项功能的统一管理。

    Efficient management of the campus card needs a management system with multiple functions , to complete the unified management of the various functions of the campus card .

  30. 随着信息化建设加速,校园卡逐渐成为学校实现管理提升的重要工具。

    With the quick development of information-based construct , the campus card is more and more being the important tool to realize the improvement of the school management .