
  • 网络nuclear power equipment;Nuclear Power Facility
  1. 目前国内已基本具备了制造1000MW压水堆核电设备的条件和能力,但仍需加强科研开发和设计验证工作。

    Basically China posseses now the capability and also the ability of manufacturing nuclear power equipment with pressurized water reactors , but still needs to strengthen research and verification work .

  2. 提升自主能力,推进核电设备国产化

    Raising Self-Reliance Potential and Enhancing Domestic Production of Nuclear Power Equipment

  3. EMS考核监视管理系统的研究与实施核电设备监造工作管理与执行的优化

    DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER SUPERVISORY CONTROL SYSTEM OF EMS Optimization of Management and Implementation on Nuclear Equipment Quality Surveillance Work

  4. 世界最大的核电设备供应商之一通用电气(GeneralElectric)首席执行官表示,与其他形式的能源相比,核电成本如此之高,以至于“很难”证明其合理性。

    Nuclear power is so expensive compared with other forms of energy that it has become " really hard " to justify , according to the chief executive of General Electric , one of the world 's largest suppliers of atomic equipment .

  5. 分析师预计,通用电气从其与日立(Hitachi)合资企业得到的核电设备收入大约为10亿美元,不到其全球年销售的1%。

    Analysts estimate GE 's nuclear revenues , from a joint venture with Japan 's Hitachi , at an estimated $ 1bn , or less than 1 per cent of annual global sales .

  6. 以应力腐蚀破裂(SCC)为代表的环境致裂(EAC)问题是影响核电设备长期安全运行的关键问题,而裂纹尖端微观区域的力学状态是影响环境致裂裂纹扩展速率的重要因素之一。

    Environmentally assisted cracking ( EAC ), especially stress corrosion cracking ( SCC ), is a core issue in the long-term safety operation of the nuclear power equipments , and the mechanical state in crack tip is one of the important factors affecting the EAC growth rate .

  7. 核电设备监造工作管理与执行的优化

    Optimization of Management and Implementation on Nuclear Equipment Quality Surveillance Work

  8. 核电设备中螺纹联接结构的松动、损伤机理

    Loosening and Damage Mechanism of Thread Joined Structures in Nuclear Power Equipment

  9. 自动带极堆焊机在核电设备制造中的应用

    Application of strip cladding welding equipment for the nuclear power equipment manufactured

  10. 核电设备公路运输的风险分析与控制

    Analysis and control on road transportation of nuclear power equipment

  11. 面向核电设备制造企业的车间管理模型及系统实现

    Shop Floor Management Model and Implementation for Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Enterprises

  12. 网络无损检测集成技术在核电设备检测中的应用

    Application of the Integrated NDT Technique on Network in Nuclear Power Equipment Inspections

  13. 核电设备国产化中的标准体系建设问题

    Standard Problem of Nuclear Power Localization in China

  14. 秦山一期工程核岛大体积混凝土的温度测量东方锅炉岭澳核电设备国产化简介

    Temperature measurement of large volume concrete of nuclear island in the first stage of Qin Shan project

  15. 由于核电设备的特殊性,因此对核电站环行起重机的安全性要求极高。

    Due to the special nature of nuclear power equipment , the polar crane must have extremity security .

  16. 尽管如此,巴基斯坦从中国购买更多核电设备的努力可能进展缓慢。

    Still , Pakistan may see slow progress on its push to get more nuclear power plants from China .

  17. 本文从核电设备抵抗地震安全性展开,主要从核电设备的抗震性能理论计算分析和试验分析两个方面进行了研究。

    In this paper , it mainly discusses seismic testing and analysis of the performance of safety function of equipments for NNP .

  18. 核主泵是核电站的核心设备之一,并且是我国核电设备中最后一个完全依靠进口的设备。

    Nuclear main pump is one of the core equipment of nuclear power plants , and is the last device depending entirely on the imports .

  19. 核监视委员会和核工业都希望促进采用新一代核电设备,都希望得到一次性许可证。

    One device which NRC and the nuclear industry hoped would facilitate introduction of the next generation of power plants was " one-stop " licensing .

  20. 对于在核电设备中发挥重要作用的核电阀门,确保其设计方案的合理性和安全可靠性至关重要。

    Nuclear valve plays an important role in the nuclear power plant , and it is significant to ensure the rationality and security of the nuclear valve .

  21. 在应力集中、腐蚀部位,微动又是许多核电设备提前损伤失效的直接原因。

    Fretting is the first reason of the failures in ahead of time in lots of equipment and structures , especially , on the parts of stress concentration and erosion .

  22. 日本政府表示,除废弃核电站的紧邻地段外,日本其他地方都是安全的。目前核电站内仍然有工作人员在紧张工作,希望可以实现核电设备的冷停堆状态。

    The government has said Japan is safe except for the immediate vicinity of the crippled plant , where work crews are still trying to bring the facility to a cold shutdown .

  23. 质量保证作为核设备制造管理的核心和主要内容,已成为制约核电设备制造国产化的关键因素之一。

    As the core and main content of nuclear equipment manufacturing management , the Quality Assurance has become one of the essential factors restricting the localization of nuclear power plant equipment manufacturing .

  24. 在原焊接操作机的基础上,加装回转式焊接工作台,实现石化、核电设备换热器管板的大面积带极埋弧自动堆焊工艺。

    To the original operating-unit a rotary welding-table will be added to realize the automatic submerged-arc cladding with band-electrode on large area of tube-plate of heat exchanger for petro-chemical and nuclear power equipment .

  25. 本文系参照法国核电设备安全有关规定而编写的,可供核电安全级设备的设计、制造和鉴定作参考。

    This paper is based on relevant safety codes of French nuclear power equipment , and can be used for reference purposes in design , manufacture and qualification of safety-class equipment for nuclear power plants .

  26. 世界核电设备与结构将长期面临的一个问题&微动损伤核能工程中的相当一部分结构损伤事故与微动损伤有着直接的关系;

    Fretting Damage , One of World Wide Difficulties in the Field of Nuclear Power Equipment and Structures for a Long Term Maybe , too many of the accidents are directly relevant to the fretting damage .

  27. 本文简要地介绍了1986年国外核动力的进展、反应堆设计和改进、核电设备行业和企业及其采用的一些新工艺、新技术和新设备。

    This paper gives a brief summary or tne development or nuclear power industry outside China in 1986 . Included in the summary are the design and modification of reactor core , advanced manufacturing process , new techology and equipment , relative nuclear business enterprises .

  28. 本文简要阐述了上海近年来在火电设备、核电设备和水电设备焊接中的技术进展,以及上海在发电设备焊接制造中的基础能力。

    Material Technology Progress in the Chinese Power Equipment Manufacturing Industry In this paper the technical progress of welding in fossil power equipment , nuclear power equipment and hydro power equipment in recent years and the basic ability in welding production of power equipment in Shanghai are briefly described .

  29. 核电工程设备监理经验反馈体系的构建

    Construction of Experience Feedback System for Equipment Supervision in Nuclear Engineering

  30. 核电厂主设备在地震加失水事故下的结构反应分析研究

    Structural Response Research for Primary Components under Earthquake and LOCA Accidents on NPP