
ɡēn běn wéi yuē
  • fundamental breach of contract
  1. 根本违约判定标准功能之回归研究&兼评我国合同法相关规定之不足

    On the Review Standard of Fundamental Breach of Contract

  2. 根本违约的构成要件及法律后果

    On the Composing Elements and Legal Consequences of the Fundamental Breach of Contract

  3. 预期违约制度与根本违约制度在1980年CISG制定过程中体现出一种不断进步的状态,融合了英美法系与大陆法系、发达国家与发展中国家等多方的利益要求,体现了国际货物销售的特殊性。

    A state of continuous progress was reflected in the making process of anticipatory breach system and fundamental breach system under CISG in 1980 .

  4. 根本违约是联合国国际货物销售合同公约(公约)当中的一个重要概念。

    Fundamental breach is one of the most important terms in the CISG .

  5. 第五部分,中国合同法根本违约制度评析。

    Part V analyzes fundamental breach of contract under Contract Law of China .

  6. 论根本违约之判定标准

    On the Judging Standards of Fundamental Breach in Contract

  7. 本章还专门用一节评析了一个根本违约的案例。

    An arbitration case is cited here to illustrate the definition of fundamental breach .

  8. 论根本违约制度在中国合同法中的继受

    On the Succession of The system of Fundamental Breach in Contract Law of China

  9. 第一部分是根本违约制度的概述。

    The first part is an overview of the fundamental breach of contract system .

  10. 根本违约制度是现代合同法的一项重要制度。

    A exploration of the law systems of unstable defense and anticipatory breach of contract ;

  11. 根本违约发端于英国普通法。

    Fundamental breach of contract as a legal system , originated in the Common laws .

  12. 二是根本违约。

    Another is fundamental breach .

  13. 第五部分联系我国的相关立法,讨论了目前的立法现状及其不足,并对完善我国的根本违约制度提出了建议。

    The fifth part discusses the inadequacy of Chinese fundamental breach system and gives some improvement advices .

  14. 关于根本违约及其与大陆法系相关违约形态的比较研究和思考

    The Comparative Study and Consideration on Fundamental Breach and the Relevant Breach 's Forms of the Civil Law

  15. 他有理由认为对方当事人将会不履行合同以致根本违约。

    18.He reasonably believes that there will be a fundamental non-performance of the contract by the other party .

  16. 乙方如存在本协议下述行为,构成根本违约。

    It will be deemed as fundamental breach of the Agreement if following acts or situation arising due to Party B.

  17. 在出卖人根本违约的情况下,买受人可能会采取不同的救济方法来维护自己的合法利益。

    When seller breaches seriously , buyer may take all kinds of approaches to relieve for safeguarding his own legitimate interests .

  18. 我国呈缴本制度的立法思考论《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》中的根本违约制度

    The Thoughts on the Legislation of the Rule of Publication Deposit in China On the Rule of Fundamental Breach in CISG

  19. 通过这些努力,使根本违约制度在中国法律体系的土壤中茁壮成长。

    Through these efforts , so that the system of fundamental breach to grow in the soil of the Chinese legal system .

  20. 除引言和结语之外,各章的主要内容如下:第一章探讨了根本违约的历史沿革。

    The main contents of each chapter is as follows : Chapter one searches for the history of the term of fundamental breach .

  21. 一方当事人不履行本合同的全总或任何部分义务均应被视为是根本违约。

    12.Any failure by a party to carry out all or part of his obligations under the contract shall be considered as a substantial breach .

  22. 根本违约制度自其在英国普通法上产生以来,已发展成为世界各国合同法及国际统一合同法上的重要法律制度。

    The legal system of Substantial breach of contract has developed in an important world wide legal system since it came into being in Britain .

  23. 其中,将属于英美法系制度的预期违约,根本违约规定在合同法中,属于合同法全新的内容。

    It is a new style that the contractual law contains breach and fundamental breach of contracts that are belonging to English and American Legal System .

  24. 合同法定解除权之正确、合理适用,关键在于准确把握根本违约的程度。

    The key of correct and rational applicability of contract legal right of cancellation is to accurate grasp the fact of fundamental extent of breach of contract .

  25. 第四部分主要探讨对根本违约制度的不同评价与《中华人民共和国合同法》的完善问题。

    The fourth part mainly discuss on the system of fundamental breach of contract of the different evaluation with " contract law of PRC " perfect question .

  26. 其判定标准总体上存在着条款主义和结果主义,现在结果主义已成为判断根本违约构成与否的主流标准。

    In general on its determination standards there are " term " and " consequence ", and now the " consequence " has became the essential measurement .

  27. 缔结合同的目的成为根本违约与合同解除之间的桥梁,它也决定了二者的必然联合。

    The purpose of concluding the contract to become a bridge between fundamental breach and the termination of the contract , it also determines the inevitable joint .

  28. 根本违约制度设立的目的在于限制非违约方滥用解除合同的权利。

    Fundamental breach of contract is established as a system in order to restrict the non-breach of contract excessively making use of the power of rescinding the contract .

  29. 本文试图从《公约》统一解释和适用的角度出发,以这四种方法阐释《公约》中卖方对货物品质的担保、根本违约和因不能控制的障碍而免责等一些重要法律问题。

    The thesis tries to interpret the quality warranty by seller , fundamental breach and the impediment beyond control by these methods from uniform interpretation and application perspective .

  30. 根本违约与合同解除之间的关系可以定义为:引起与被引起、限制与被限制。

    Fundamental breach of contract and the relationship between the termination of the contract can be defined as : the cause and be caused to restrict and limit .