
  • 网络cultivation methods
  1. 他们的栽培方法我可没什么研究。

    I have very little knowledge about such cultivation methods .

  2. 新疆绿洲农业中新节水栽培方法的探讨

    Studies on the New Cultivation Methods to Saving Water in Oasis Farming in Xinjiang , China

  3. 历经3a时间,在3个试验点,从魔芋的物候观测、栽培方法,质量、产量分析等方面对魔芋南种北移技术进行了研究。

    In 3 experimental plots were conducted phonological observation and introduction study .

  4. 本文采用无土栽培方法,利用AAS分析含不同铅离子浓度培养液栽培的大豆幼苗中铅含量,并考察了硝酸镧对大豆幼苗吸收铅的影响。

    In this paper , the effect of lanthanum on lead absorption in soybean seedling were researched by water culture . Lead in soybean seedling was measured by AAS .

  5. 在石灰性土壤上,以田间根袋栽培方法,研究了Zn和生根粉4号(ABT)对玉米在5个生育期中根系生长和根际微生态环境的影响。

    A field rhizo-bag experiment was conducted to study the effect of Zn and ABT ( grow-root powder No. 4 ) on maize roots growth and rhizosphere microecology during five growth periods in calcareous soil .

  6. 先进的栽培方法是优质丰产的保证。

    Advanced cultivation method is high yielding and quality assurance .

  7. 黄芩栽培方法与质量的研究

    The Research on Planting Method and Quality of Scutellaria baicalensis

  8. 适合新疆种植的优良牧草及栽培方法

    Popularize fine forage grass breeding and cultivation ways suitable for Xinjiang conditions

  9. 利用水上栽培方法研究水稻根系

    Application of Floating Culture Method on Natural Waters for Rice Root Research

  10. 提高草菇产量栽培方法的探讨

    Probing into the culturing methods of improving the output of Volvariella volvacea

  11. 同时,对方正产区西洋参的栽培方法进行了初步研究。

    The cultivated methods of American ginseng in Fangzheng region were preliminarily studied .

  12. 北五味子的药用价值及其栽培方法

    The Officinal Value and Cultivation of the Fructus Schisandrae

  13. 菊苣家庭简易软化栽培方法的比较研究

    Research on Simple Home Blanching Culture Method of Chicory

  14. 猪苓菌丝形成菌核栽培方法的研究

    Studies on the cultivation method of sclerotium forming from hyphae of Grifola umbellata

  15. 现在把这种栽培方法叫做水栽法。

    Today this mothod of farming is called hydroponics .

  16. 探索了适合本市环境条件的无土栽培方法。

    The methods of soilless culture were approached in the condition of Xining city .

  17. 灵芝高产栽培方法的初步研究

    Preliminary Researches on High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Ganoderma

  18. 小型带字礼品西瓜的栽培方法

    It is small scaled to take the cultivation method of the word gift watermelon

  19. 黄土高原残塬沟壑区葎草栽培方法初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Cultivation of Humulus scandens in Gully Area of the Loess Plateau

  20. 利用栽培方法防治粟灰螟的探讨

    On the cultural control of millet borer

  21. 三倍体毛白杨的繁育技术和栽培方法

    The Reproductive Technique Of 3n Populus Tomentosa

  22. 杉木短轮伐期与模式栽培方法初探

    Preliminary Study on Short Cutting Period by Turns and Model Cultivation Method of Cunninghamia lanceolata

  23. 伊乐藻等水生高等植物的快速营养繁殖技术和栽培方法

    Artificial vegetative reproduction and plantation technique for Elodea nuttallii and six other species of submerged plants

  24. 介绍了地被植物过路黄的形态特征、生态习性、繁殖与栽培方法以及用途。

    Morphological characteristics , ecological habits , propagation , planting and application of Lysimachia christinae was introduced .

  25. 结论通过选择适宜的栽培方法和地点可以有效提高大黄的质量。

    CONCLUSION Suitable cultivated methods and period location should be chosen to shorten the cultivated periods of Rhubarbs .

  26. 栽培方法对3∶2式麦套中熟春棉棉铃发育的影响

    Effect of Production Methods on the Cotton Boll Development of 3 ∶ 2 Model with Middle Spring Cotton Variety

  27. 栽培方法的简单改进和玉米良种的采用比肥料的效果要大得多。

    Simple improvements in cultural methods , and a better type of maize had much larger effects than fertilizers .

  28. 大面积单一化种植,留叶采摘等栽培方法的实施;

    Single cultivation in large area plants and the cultivating means of pucking tea bud with certain tender leaf left .

  29. 同时找出了成活率达80%以上的玉米组培苗栽培方法。

    At the same time , a cultivating way of seedling with the survival rate over 80 % was found .

  30. 科学家除了利用传统栽培方法,还利用生物科技培育节水农作物,以满足不断增长的世界粮食需求。

    Scientists are using biotechnology as well as traditional breeding methods to develop water-saving crops to feed the growing world .