
  1. 从此,桃太郎和公主过上了快乐幸福的生活。

    From then on , the princess and Momotaro lived happily .

  2. 从那以后,桃太郎与爷爷和奶奶一直过着幸福愉快的生活。

    After that Momotaro and the old man and woman lived happily together .

  3. 公主知道后,非常感动了,嫁给了桃太郎。

    After the princess knew everything , she was very moved and married Momotaro .

  4. 之后,芥川根据这个民间传说创作了小说《桃太郎》。

    Later Akutagawa Ryunosuke wrote the novel Momotaro on the basis Of the folk tale .

  5. 章炳麟对日本民间传说中“桃太郎”形象的批判,使芥川深为震撼。

    The latter was shocked at Zhang Binglin 's severe criticism on the image of Momotaro in Japanese folk tales .

  6. 从前,有一个从桃子里蹦出来的小男孩儿,大家都叫他桃太郎。

    Once upon a time , there was a boy came out from a peach , people called him Monotaro .

  7. 但是,吃了最最好吃的黄米面团后精力充沛的桃太郎和伙伴们并肩作战,瞬间就把魔鬼们打得落花流水。

    Momotaro and his companions , having eaten the best millet cookies of Japan , knew no fear and were strong .

  8. 《桃太郎》是日本童话故事中最受儿童喜爱的一篇古老童话。

    The old man and woman had no children so they were really grateful the gods had sent them a boy in this peach .

  9. 布料随后交予日本最顶尖的两家牛仔裤制造商桃太郎和正蓝屋,他们会用这些布料制造10条独一无二的的牛仔裤。

    The material was then sent to Momotaro and Japan Blue , two of the country 's top jeans manufacturers to create 10 unique pairs of jeans out of it .