
  • 网络mulberry fish pond;mul-berry-dike fish pond
  1. 珠江三角洲的桑基鱼塘及其旅游开发研究

    Study on Mulberry-Dike-Fish-Pond in Pearl River Delta and Its Tourist Exploitation

  2. 红树林、芦苇荡和桑基鱼塘中鸟飞鱼跃;

    Mangroves , reed marshes and ponds in the bird flew diving mulberry ;

  3. 桑基鱼塘是植桑养蚕同池塘养鱼相结合的综合经营方式,是一种特殊的基塘农业。

    Mulberry-base-pond , a special dike-pond mode , was a kind of management integrated fish ponds with breeding of mulberry silkworm .

  4. 清代桑基鱼塘大发展,产生了面对国际市场的缫丝业;

    The big improvement of mulberry land-pool farming in the Qing dynasty made silk reeling industry facing the international market come into being .

  5. 叙述了基塘农业的兴起和发展,其中对桑基鱼塘的发展历程着墨甚多,因为桑基鱼塘是基塘农业类型中最具代表性,规模最大,影响最深的一种。

    Because mulberry-base-pond was a representation of base-dyke agriculture , and had the largest scope and the most profound influence , it was depicted particularly .

  6. 一座保存着典型桑基鱼塘特色的农业生态村,让人惊呼石屎森林中还有这样的“世外桃源”。

    A farming ecological village keeping the typical features of Mulberry fish ponds will make you cry out : there should be such a Shangrila in the stony forest .

  7. 第六章:珠江三角洲基塘农业的衰退在20世纪20年代经济危机的打击下,桑基鱼塘迅速走向衰退,基塘丢荒,人们生活凄惨。

    In the 20 's of the 20th century , due to the world economical crisis , the mulberry-base-pond declined swiftly , which caused the base and the dyke were destroyed and people lived miserably .

  8. 在18世纪中叶至20世纪初期间曾几度掀起弃田筑塘,废稻树桑的热潮,桑基鱼塘的规模空前扩大。

    During the middle period of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century , the again surge " to discard farmland to construct dyke , to depose rice to cultivate mulberry " enlarged the scope of mulberry-dyke-pond extending .