
qiáo dūn
  • pier;bridge pier
桥墩 [qiáo dūn]
  • [bridge pier] 桥梁的主要支承物,桥梁的上部建筑就设置在桥墩之上;可由石、钢、木材或混凝土构成,并建于河底淤泥以下的坚实地基处

桥墩[qiáo dūn]
  1. 波浪冲打着桥墩。

    Waves battered against the pier .

  2. 预应力FRP布加固混凝土桥墩的力学性能研究

    The mechanical behavior of concrete pier strengthened with lateral pre-stressed FRP sheets

  3. 在黑暗中他们听得见波浪拍击桥墩的声音。

    In the dark they could hear the wash of waves against the piers .

  4. 桥由三座桥墩支撑着。

    The bridge is supported by three pillars .

  5. 飞梁结构,灵感来自于带拱形的垂直石质桥墩,外形像弯曲的手指

    Flying buttresses were constructed of vertical masonry piers with arches curving out from them like fingers .

  6. GPS滑坡监测系统在铁路桥桥墩稳定性监测中的应用

    An Application of GPS in Landslide Monitoring for Abutment

  7. 应用井间地震CT探测某桥墩基础断裂

    The application of the crosshole seismic computerized topography to the detection of fissures in Bridge Foundation

  8. 比如,一座桥,在3D数据库当中,是一个复杂的对象,它由几个桥墩和路面组成。

    For instance , a bridge , in the3D database , is a complex object composed of several piles and a roadway .

  9. CFRP布材约束混凝土桥墩抗震性能的试验研究

    Experimental research on seismic performance of concrete piers confined by CFRP sheets

  10. 地面运动强度指标对RC桥墩地震需求的影响

    Influence of the selection of strong-motions intensity measures on the seismic demands for RC bridge columns

  11. 在多遇地震下,RPC桥墩A、B均满足强度和刚度要求,处于弹性工作范围。

    Pier A and B can meet the intensity and rigidity of the requirements under the condition of frequent earthquake , and the structure remains the elastic state .

  12. 用Fluent和HEC-RAS对桥墩周围冲刷的数值研究

    Research on Local Scour Around the Bridge Piers Using Numerical Simulations with Fluent and HEC-RAS Models

  13. 利用ANSYS软件,对Ⅱ类场地上的桩基础桥墩在场地非冻结期和冻结期两种情况下的地震反应进行了计算,并对结果进行了分析和比较。

    Using ANSYS software , we have studied the responses of the pier with pile foundation on the ⅱ sites with or without the frozen layer and compared both of the computing results .

  14. 苏通大桥75m跨径桥墩桩基施工桩基桥墩自振频率计算方法的分析

    Analysis of Calculating Method of the Natural Frequency of Bridge Pier Supported by Pile Foundation

  15. 从施工方面来看,PRC桥墩能够加快施工速度,减少施工周期,保证施工质量。

    From a construction point of view , the PRC piers can speed up the construction speed , and reduce the construction period , and ensure the quality of construction .

  16. 研究含边裂纹桥墩的Saint-Venant扭转,将问题划归为裂纹上边界积分方程的求解。

    The Saint-Venant torsion problems of a pier with curvilinear edge cracks were considered and reduced to solving the boundary integral equations only on cracks .

  17. 越南法来大桥17号桥墩基础为直径2m、深50m的泥浆护壁钻孔灌注桩。

    The foundation of No. 17 pier of Vietnam Phalai Bridge is a drilling & grouting pile with mud protection , whose diameter is 2 meters and whose depth is 50 meters .

  18. 仿真结果给出了混凝土弹性本构和HJC模型的碰撞力过程并且显示桥墩受撞击后的损伤分布状况。

    The history of impact force for elastic and HJC constitutive model and the damage distribution of the bridge pier are presented .

  19. 采用Morison方程的基本理论,将水视为附加质量,利用有限元方法来分析动水压力对深水桥墩地震响应的影响。

    With the famous Morison Equation , the water is considered as the added pseudo mass , and the finite method is used to analyze the seismic responses of bridge pier .

  20. 在Morison方程的基础上,用附加质量考虑水的影响,采用有限元方法来分析深水桥墩的地震响应。

    Based on the Morison equation , the finite element method is used to analyze the seismic responses of bridge pier in deep water , and the water is considered as the added mass .

  21. 本文根据一些早期建设桥墩的实际情况,设计了三种不同箍筋间距的桥墩,分别采用Pushover和拟静力加载试验来研究其抗震性能。

    In this study , three kinds of bridge piers with different stirrup space are designed according to the design of some bridge piers built many years ago and the seismic performance of them are studied by Pushover experiment and pseudo-static experiment .

  22. 沈阳市富民桥引桥为跨径30m预应力混凝土连续刚构,主梁采用大悬臂斜腹板箱形断面,单箱三室等高度箱梁,桥墩采用双壁墩,桥台采用肋板式桥台。

    The approach spans of Fumin Bridge in Shenyang are composed of 30-m span pre-stressed concrete continuous rigid-frame structures , of which the main girder is designed as triple cells single box section of constant height , and of long cantilever and inclined webs .

  23. 最后,讨论了长细比取值较大的高柔桥墩和不等高MDOF全桥结构的多阶模态效应,引入多自由度振型分解反应谱理论提出了全桥结构基于性能的简化设计方法。

    Finally , multi-phase modes effect of flexible bridge pier with high slenderness and MDOF full-bridge structure was discussed , and decomposition theory of multi-degree of freedom response spectrum was introduced to develop a performance-based seismic design method for full-bridge structure .

  24. 结合拱坝的水工模型试验,对小桥墩的设置、出口堰宽的变化等因素对拱坝WES堰流量系数的影响进行了对比试验和分析,并得出了相应的结论。

    The comparative hydraulic modeling tests and analysis have been done to show the influence of the factors , such as the establishing of pier , the variance of weir outlet width , to the flow coefficient of WES weir of arch dam . The results are concluded .

  25. 双线桥墩宽达8.8m,若桥墩钢模板设计加固方案不当,墩面混凝土很容易出现波浪形,直接影响混凝土表面平整度技术指标。

    Pier width reach to 8.8m , if the construction scheme is not appropriate , the pier concrete will appear the wave form very easily , and affect evenness degree of the concrete surface .

  26. 京沪高速铁路共有七处跨越阳澄湖,分段合计线路总长5900m,共有181个桥墩位于阳澄湖水中。

    There is total of seven across the Yangcheng Lake by Beij ing-Shanghai high speed railway , the length of total line segment is 5900m , there are 181 piers in the Yangcheng Lake water .

  27. 同时推测,支撑高速陆地运输系统(hsgts)铁路通道内提供有防撞墙保护的跨越结构的所有既有和未来桥墩的整体性,将在受到铁路车辆或道路车辆撞击时仍维持结构完整性。

    It is also assumed that the integrity of all existing and future bridge piers supporting overpass structures that lie within the hsgts rail corridor and that are protected with crash walls will maintain structural integrity in the event of collision by a rail or road vehicle .

  28. 铁路桥墩横向刚度设计标准的研究

    Study of design standard for lateral stiffness of railway bridge piers

  29. 双向受弯桥墩加固特点

    Characteristics of Strengthening of Bridge Pier Subjected to Two-Way Bending Moment

  30. 钢筋混凝土单柱式桥墩抗震性能试验研究

    Experimental Study on Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete One-Column Bridge Piers