
  1. 梅毒血清试验进展与临床关联

    The progress of syphilitic serum text and its correlation with clinic The content of P. C. TESTING

  2. 梅毒血清试验呈前带现象的妊娠期潜伏梅毒1例

    A Case of Prozone Phenomenon was Showed in Serologic Test for Syphilis in Pregnancy with Latent Syphilis

  3. 血清固定(sero-resistance):治疗后皮肤损害可迅速消退,但非梅毒螺旋体抗原血清试验却持续阳性,滴度不再下降,早期梅毒易出现血清固定;

    Sero-resistance : the skin lesions of the patient will soon disappear , but the nontreponemal test remains positive and its titer will not drop any more .