
  • 网络MERLOT;Mello;Felipe Melo;Merlo;Melot
  1. C葡萄品种:70%梅洛、20%卡本妮。弗兰克、10%卡本妮。索维农风格:呈深红宝石色;

    Grape : 70 % Merlot 20 % Cabernet Franc 10 % Cabernet SauvignonStyle : Dark ruby colour .

  2. 红酒的话可选择梅洛(Merlot)、品诺塔吉(Pinotage)或设拉子,白葡萄酒则可选择霞多丽(Chardonnay)、赛美蓉(Semillon)和维欧尼(Viognier)。

    Something like a Merlot , Pinotage or Shiraz for reds or Chardonnay , Semillon and Viognier for whites .

  3. 他已经在福尔梅洛拥有了一幢豪华别墅。

    Already , he has a luxurious villa in Formello .

  4. 对于最后一点我已经听得耳熟能详了——也见过市场营销人员顺应需求推出的那种葡萄酒(蛋糕梅洛葡萄酒(CupcakeMerlot)或者粉红莫斯卡托葡萄酒(PinkMoscato))。

    I 'd certainly heard that last one often enough-and seen the sort of wines that marketers created in response . ( Cupcake Merlot or Pink Moscato , anyone ? )

  5. 梅洛,我好冷,我想回家。

    Merel , I 'm cold and want to go home .

  6. 梅洛,游过来这里,别慢吞吞的。

    Merel , climb out here and don 't take too long .

  7. 怀尔德,梅洛,布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷。

    Wilde , Merlo , Buenos Aires Province , Argentina Landscape Pictures .

  8. 前凯尔特人球员法布-梅洛今天在巴西的家中去世。

    Ex-Syracuse , Celtics C Fab Melo dies in Brazil .

  9. 好…放轻松,麦斯我的老天爷,不喝梅洛

    Okay , okay . Relax , Miles . Jesus . No merlot .

  10. 请说,梅洛,是如何被感染的?

    Yes merel ? How can you get infected ?

  11. 我和死党梅洛是最好的朋友。

    Me and my pal Milo , we 're the best of friends .

  12. 西澳的玛格丽特河以盛产口味浓郁的赤霞珠和梅洛而著称于世。

    River in Western Australia is world renowned for its flavourful Cabernet and Merlot .

  13. 克莱文医生和梅洛太太走了进来,

    Dr Craven and Mrs Medlock came in .

  14. 由于市场的增长,这款梅洛酒的品质也在不断完善。

    This wine raises the bar in terms of quality for the growing Rose market .

  15. 伊布森:我和朋友梅洛喜欢做什么都在一起。

    Ibsen : Me and my friend Milo , we like to do everything together .

  16. 由于此地毗邻波美第和圣埃米利永法定产区,梅洛是主要的生产品种。

    As it is for the neighboring appellations Pomerol and Saint-Emilion , the Merlot grape is dominant .

  17. 就在这时管家梅洛太太出现了,手里拎着大串钥匙。

    Just then the housekeeper , Mrs Medlock , appeared , with her keys in her hand .

  18. 柯林告诉梅洛太太和医生他想坐轮椅出去。

    Colin told Mrs Medlock and the doctor that he wanted to go out in his wheelchair .

  19. 如果你想喝梅洛,我们就喝

    You got it . And if they wanna drink merlot , we 're drinkin ' merlot .

  20. 如果有人点梅洛我就离开我才不喝什么鬼梅洛

    If anybody orders merlot , I 'm leaving . I am not drinking any fucking merlot !

  21. 在他看来,身体一是以胡塞尔、梅洛-庞蒂为代表的现象学派提出的作为肉身建构的身体,即物质身体;

    According to him , the first is the material body , which comes from phenomenology from Husserl ;

  22. 高成分的梅洛葡萄配比塑造了其口感清新、柔滑的特质。

    The high proportion of Merlot certainly accounts for part of the wine 's soft , fleshly characteristics .

  23. 这款梅洛葡萄酒口感平滑顺口,色泽为明亮的深红色。

    Smoothing as the diving into the sea , this Australian Merlot is a deeper , brilliant red .

  24. 中等酒体,干,可饮用了,但仍需保存。赤霞珠/梅洛,酒精度12.5%。

    Medium-Full Bodied , Dry , Ready , but will keep , Cab-Sauv / Merlot , 12.5 % alc .

  25. 玛莎和梅洛太太都站在门边,瞪着玛丽,嘴巴半张着。

    Martha and Mrs Medlock were standing at the door , staring at Mary , their mouths half open .

  26. 在身体性这个维度上,波兰尼的默会认识论和梅洛一庞蒂的知觉现象学之间存在着某种思想的会聚。

    On the theme of embodiment Michael Polanyi 's theory of tacit knowing and Merleau-Ponty 's phenomenology of perception converge .

  27. 梅洛-庞蒂展开其知觉现象学体系的整个过程就是论证知觉首要地位的过程。

    The whole process Merleau-Ponty expresses his sensational phenomenology system is a process to prove the highest priority of sensation .

  28. 轮船在海上航行了很久,克莱文先生的管家梅洛太太到伦敦来接玛丽,

    After the long sea journey , she was met in London by Mr Craven 's housekeeper , Mrs Medlock .

  29. 这款梅洛呈现出深宝石红色,香醇的香料和李子的香气。

    This Two Eights Maker 's Merlot is deep ruby red in color and spicy with hints of licorrice and plum fruits .

  30. 带她坐火车去北方。梅洛太太是个高大的女人,红脸膛,长着一双明亮的黑眼睛。

    Together they travelled north by train.Mrs Medlock was a large woman , with a very red face and bright black eyes .