
  • 网络meyer;mayer;Myer;Louis B. Mayer
  1. 梅耶:当时也有一丝羞耻感在慢慢发酵的。

    Mr. Meyer : There was a developing sense of shame .

  2. 不过梅耶说,通常来讲,自然生产比剖腹产更安全。

    But they are generally safer than c-sections , Dr. Meyer says .

  3. 随后,嘉宝在学校进修表演专业,遇到导师的朋友路易·B·梅耶,梅耶不仅带着她签了经纪公司,还领着她打入了好莱坞。

    She studied acting for two years until her mentor 's friend , Louis B. Mayer , placed her under contract and brought Garbo to Hollywood .

  4. 理查德E.梅耶(RichardE.Mayer)是美国加州大学圣芭芭拉分校心理学教授。

    Richard E. Mayer is professor of psychology at University of California , Santa Barbara ( UCSB ) .

  5. 为了每个月1000美元的收入,梅耶一边在多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)做研究,一边上课,来证明她在南非取得的资质。

    For $ 1,000 a month , maye did research at University of Toronto while taking courses to verify her South African credentials .

  6. 雅虎(Yahoo)首席执行官玛丽莎•梅耶和她禁止公司员工远程办公的决定获得了大量的关注。

    Much attention has been given to Yahoo ( yhoo ) CEO Marissa Mayer and her decision to ban her employees from telecommuting .

  7. 从比勒陀利亚大学(UniversityofPretoria)获得营养学学位之后,22岁的梅耶嫁给了工程师埃罗尔•穆斯克,然后三年内接连生下了三个孩子。

    After gaining her dietitian degree from University of Pretoria , she married engineer Errol musk at 22 and then had three children in three years .

  8. 同样,去年七月上任的雅虎CEO梅丽莎•梅耶也在上个月推出一项政策,禁止员工在家办公。

    Similarly , Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer , who was tapped for the top spot last July , instituted a policy last month that says employees could no longer work from home .

  9. AgenceFrance-Presse/GettyImages一位模特在展示薇欧奈的时装。让人眼前一亮的设计包括托马斯・梅耶(TomasMaier)对比强烈的宝缇嘉(BottegaVeneta)系列以及华伦天奴(Valentino)的波普艺术(PopArt)系列斗篷和印花公主裙。

    Standout collections included the sharp contrasts of Tomas Maier 's Bottega Veneta and Valentino 's Pop Art capes and floral princess gowns .

  10. 如今,她不得不将控制权交给已疏离很久的女儿弗朗索瓦·贝当古-梅耶(FrancoiseBettencourt-Meyer)以及两个孙子。

    She now has to hand the reins to long-estranged daughter Francoise Bettencourt-Meyer and two grandsons .

  11. 根据Popsugar网站的消息,我们在2月22日这个周日的奥斯卡颁奖礼上会看到约翰·梅耶和珍妮佛·安妮斯顿共同踏上红地毯。

    According to Popsugar , we will get to see John Mayer and Jennifer Aniston walk the red carpet together at the Oscars this Sunday , February22nd .

  12. 虽然最初的反应可能是引起争议,但事实上,梅耶的理由跟我们Zappos的理念是一致的:员工在办公室里进行更多面对面的交流可以对打造公司文化产生巨大的积极影响。

    While the initial reaction may have fomented controversy , the truth is that her reasoning is in line with our philosophy here at Zappos : more face time in the office can have a huge positive impact in helping build company culture .

  13. 在加拿大,梅耶不得不从零开始。

    In Canada , maye had to start from scratch .

  14. 与此同时,梅耶的营养师公司也有所起色。

    All the while , maye managed to build out her dietitian business .

  15. 梅耶太太来电话感谢那天的晚宴。

    Stephanie Mayes called to say thank you for dinner the other night .

  16. 后来经梅耶等人的后继研究而得以发展。

    And then it develops with the follow-up study of Mayer and others .

  17. 梅耶表示,加速器项目是“开发人员日”活动的延续。

    This program is an extension of the developer day , Mayer says .

  18. 我是拉里·格林梅耶。

    I 'm Larry Greenemeier , got a minute ?

  19. 去年夏天梅耶已有四个月身孕时两人宣布订婚。

    They announced their engagement last summer , when Meyer was four months pregnant .

  20. 而39岁梅耶则是来英国艾塞克斯,他在剧中扮演男主角、吸血鬼比尔·坎普顿。

    Moyer , from Essex , England , plays bloodsucking Bill Compton on the series .

  21. 在为保罗·科赫纳开车近6年后,梅耶那二尔成了他的得力助手。

    In nearly six years of driving for Kohner , Meyer became his right-hand man .

  22. 赛琳娜梅耶目前是全球超级强权的二号人物,但她的野心却不止如此。

    Currently second-in-command of a world superpower , Selina 's eyes are focused on bigger fish .

  23. 梅耶说,“幸运的是,我们有拷贝,没有损失什么独一无二的资料。”

    " Fortunately , nothing irreplaceable was lost ," Meyer said . " We have duplicates . "

  24. 传媒公信力的概念及测量&兼论梅耶的传媒公信力测量体系

    The Concept and Measure of Media Credibility & With Reference to Meyer 's Measure System of Media Credibility

  25. 以对多媒体学习过程的研究为基础,梅耶提出了关于多媒体设计的一系列预测,并通过严格的实验设计对这些预测进行检验。

    On the basis of this theory , Mayer proposed a series of testable prediction about multimedia design .

  26. 梅耶反驳说,国际货币基金组织认识到,干预措施只有在各国协同合作时才能奏效。

    Mr Mayer retorts that even the IMF has learnt that its interventions work only if countries co-operate .

  27. 但阿根廷将继续为正义而战,而梅耶广场妈妈也将继续走下去。

    But the fight for justice in Argentina goes on and the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo keep marching .

  28. 技术应如何致力于促进学习?&梅耶论多媒体学习与教学设计的原则

    How Technology Should Be Committed to the Promotion of Learning : Mayer 's View on Multimedia Learning and Teaching Designing

  29. 网络课程及其有效设计的六项原则&e-learning国际著名专家克拉克与梅耶的观点综述

    Web Course and its Six Effective Design Principles & Overview about e-Learning of Clark , R.C. and Mayer . R.E

  30. 梅耶:目前来说,北京方面还没有正式要求归还这些收藏于美国博物馆的珍品。

    Mr. Meyer : To date , Beijing has yet to formally demand the restitution of objects now in American museums .