
  • 网络Macy's;Macy;Macy's Inc;Macy's US-M
  1. 最典型的例子是梅西百货,它曾经是加利福尼亚无可争辩的零售巨头。

    The prime example is Macy 's , once the undisputed king of California retailers .

  2. 看看梅西百货、诺德斯特罗姆和塔吉特这些大型零售商的财报,就像参观重症监护室一样惊心动魄。

    Reading the earnings announcements of large retail stores like Macy 's , Nordstrom , and Target is about as uplifting as a tour of an intensive care unit .

  3. 梅西百货首席财务官最近表示:“坦白说,我们在绞尽脑汁想办法。”

    As the CFO of Macy 's put it recently , " We 're frankly scratching our heads . "

  4. 在大型传统零售商中,沃尔玛最近公布了最佳业绩,致其股价飙升,而梅西百货、塔吉特百货和诺德斯特龙的股价下跌。

    Among large traditional retailers , Walmart recently reported the best results , leading its stock price to surge , while Macy 's , Target , and Nordstrom 's dropped .

  5. 梅西百货也在积极采取行动力争在新的商业时代重振雄风。

    Macy 's   has   been   moving   aggressively   to   try   to   remake   itself   for   a   new   era   of   shopping .

  6. 冋时,梅西百货仅仅吸引住了对旅游和外出就餐,而不是对新的服装和饰品感兴趣的顾客。

    Meanwhile ,   Macy 's   has   simply   struggled   to   lure   consumers   who   are   more   interested   in spending   on   travel   or   dining   out   than   on   new   clothes   or   accessories .

  7. 梅西百货报告在11月和12月其营业一年以上的门店销售额下降了5。2%,这一令人失望的假期销售业绩为面临广泛挑战的百货连锁店艰难的一年画上了句号。

    Macy 's   reported   its   sales   plunged   5.2 %   in   November   and   December   at   stores   open   more   than   a year ,   a   disappointing   holiday   season   performance   that   capped   a   difficult   year   for   a department   store   chain   facing   wide-ranging   challenges .

  8. 像梅西百货大游行那种商家赞助的感恩节游行到现在都还很常见。

    Store-sponsored Thanksgiving parades like the Macy 's parade are still common to this day .

  9. 我说过我想要一套从梅西百货买的新床上用品,不是祝愿……他可真是个“盐爹”!

    Example : I said I wanted a new comforter set from Macy 's not the goodwill .... he is such a saltdaddy !

  10. 比如梅西百货的全部800余家门店都参与到了它的在线业务中,塔吉特百货(Target)等其它商家也在加速提升这一能力。

    For example , Macy 's is now using all 800 or so of its stores to help its online efforts , while others like Target TGT - 1.93 % are gearing up for that capability .

  11. 你现在看到的这段话,是我在一家梅西百货(Macy's)店里,通过网络用一部iPad在我的Windows家用电脑上打出来的。

    I am typing this paragraph remotely on my home Windows PC , using an iPad in the middle of a Macy 's in a mall , over the Internet .

  12. 她出席了梅西百货和J.C.Penny百货纠纷案。

    She is at the center of a bitter legal battle between retailers Macy 's and J.C. Penny .

  13. 举个例子,用谷歌搜索“微波炉”,会显示梅西百货(Macy'sInc.)和TargetCorp.等零售商在网上销售的具体款型的照片,并明确标明价格。

    For example , a Google search for ' microwave oven ' shows a grid of photos for specific models , sold online by retailers like Macy 's Inc. and Target Corp. , with prices clearly marked .

  14. 朋友们劝我去看一看百货公司的橱窗,但在梅西百货(Macy),我却根本无法挤进前面。

    My friends tell me to visit the department store windows but at Macy 's I can 't get near enough to see .

  15. 林德伯格最近在逛曼哈顿的梅西百货(Macy's)时说,如今每个人都有一个MichaelKors包包。她在梅西百货买了一个KateSpade金色包包。

    ' These days , everyone has a Michael Kors bag , ' Ms. Lindberg said on a recent trip to Macy 's in Manhattan , where she bought a gold Kate Spade satchel .

  16. 就在亚马逊筹备开设实体店的同时,像梅西百货和内曼百库斯百货(NeimanMarcus)等传统的实体连锁店正在试水当日速递,还有一些企业正在试用谷歌(Google)提供的快递服务。

    The news comes at a time traditional brick and mortar chains like Macy 's and Neiman Marcus are testing same-day delivery , while others are trying out a service offered by Google .

  17. 就在三周前,美国的第一部投影电影在先驱广场附近第34街上的科斯特&比亚尔音乐厅(Koster&Bial’sMusicHall)放映。如今,先驱广场是梅西百货(Macy’s)的所在地。

    Just three weeks earlier , America 's first projected motion pictures were being shown near Herald Square in Koster & Bial 's Music Hall on 34th Street , where Macy 's now sits .

  18. 他只需在他的iPhone上按一个按钮,就可以通过这项新服务在数千家零售店铺中买东西,包括梅西百货(Macy's)和沃尔格林(Walgreens)的门店。

    By pushing a button on his iPhone , he can make a purchase at one of the thousands of retail locations , including Macy 's or Walgreens stores , using the new service .

  19. 今年,一些其他公司也终止了与特朗普的合作关系,包括梅西百货(Macy“s)、Serta和PVHCorporation。这些公司都跟特朗普签定了制作或销售印有他名字的商品的协议。

    Other companies have also severed their relationships with Mr Trump this year , including Macy 's , Serta and the PVH Corporation , which all had deals to produce or sell merchandise with the billionaire 's name on them .

  20. 但“真正的”女人会与她们的男人共进退。沉船当晚,就有这样一位真女人,她就是梅西百货创始人的妻子IdaStraus,她与相濡以沫50年的丈夫一起留在了船上。

    ' Real'women stood by their men , and the heroine of the night was Ida Straus who stayed on board with her husband of fifty years , the owner of Macy 's Department store .

  21. 在所有我们计划关闭门店的购物中心,我们无一例外都有一个批发店面,要么设在梅西百货(Macy’s),要么是在布鲁明戴尔百货

    In all of the malls where we are closing stores , we have a wholesale location , either at a Macy 's M 0.12 % , a Bloomingdale 's , or another partner .

  22. 梅西百货公司(Macy'sInc.)旗下布鲁明戴尔百货公司(Bloomingdale's)时装总监布鲁克·贾菲(BrookeJaffe)说:“这并不是我们所追求的潮流。”她说,布鲁明戴尔主要出售长度刚到膝盖以下的裙子。

    I wouldn 't say it was the trend we called out , ' says Brooke Jaffe , fashion director of Bloomingdale 's. The department store is mostly focused on skirt lengths just below the knee , she says .

  23. 约翰逊正是效仿乔布斯的这个特质,试图让人们相信,J.C.Penney公司事实上并没有对梅西百货早前与玛莎o斯图沃特签署的协议形成侵权。

    And it is this trait that we see Johnson emulating in his attempt to convince the world that Penney was not , in fact , infringing upon Macy 's earlier agreement with Martha Stewart 's company .

  24. 这笔交易于2011年罗恩·约翰逊执掌J.C.Penney时宣布。翁家驹法官裁定,它违反了玛莎·斯图沃特公司早前与梅西百货(Macy’s)签订的协议之条款。

    The deal , announced in 2011 as Ron Johnson took Penney 's helm , violated the terms of a preexisting deal that Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia MSO - 0.89 % had with Macy 's M 1.29 % , the judge ruled .

  25. 菲比:哦,他们给我留了一个很棒的地方,就在梅西百货旁边。

    Phoebe : Ohh , they gave me a great spot .

  26. 梅西百货主持感恩节游行已经要90年了。

    Macy 's hosted the Thanksgiving event for nearly 90 years .

  27. 你们可以去梅西百货商场看看

    You may wanna check out Macy 's department store .

  28. 梅西百货表示,今年的感恩节商店会在晚上八点开门。

    Macy 's said , this Thanksgiving its stores will open at 8 P.M.

  29. 有一次他在梅西百货的家用电器通道闲逛时,

    While haunting the appliance aisles at Macy 's ,

  30. 梅西百货三楼,家饰部。

    ROSS : Uh , Macy 's , third floor , home furnishings .