
mènɡ xiǎnɡ jiā
  • dreamer
  1. 例句帕特真是个梦想家。

    Pat1 is such a dreamer .

  2. 成功者是梦想家,而且有人相信他。

    A successful person is a dreamer who someone believed in .

  3. 谷歌却恰好跟Facebook相反:管理型人才手握权柄,梦想家却郁郁不得志。

    Google had things upside-down : a manager at the top and a visionary stuck underneath .

  4. Wilson说,梦想家们其实已经发明出了像飞行汽车这样的东西,可是,它们在现实世界得不到应用。

    Visionaries actually invented objects like flying cars , but they could never work out the real world applications , Wilson says .

  5. 根据微软(Microsoft)高层的说法,这家拥有101914名员工、市值3270亿美元的公司由一群梦想家组成,他们的使命是赋予大众以力量。

    To hear Microsoft 's top brass tell it , their 101,914-person , $ 327 billion company is made up of fanciful dreamers with a mission to empower the masses .

  6. 雅达利当时是非常热门的公司。它的创始人是髙大健壮的企业家诺兰·布什内尔(NolanBushnell),此人是个充满魅力、能说会道的梦想家

    Atari 's founder was a burly entrepreneur named Nolan Bushnell , who was a charismatic visionary with a nice touch of showmanship in him

  7. 硅谷最著名的科技孵化器YCombinator是最新的梦想家,宣布实施一个研究项目,旨在激励有望在真实世界用得上的创意和设计。YCombinator绝非唯一一家有此类想法的公司。

    Y Combinator , the region 's best-known tech incubator , is the latest to dream , announcing a research project aimed at stimulating ideas and designs that it hopes to use in a real-world location . It is far from alone .

  8. 他是这个名为VIVOS,预计耗资2亿美元计划的梦想家,以在重大灾害前建立并改装尽可能多的避难所为己任。

    He is the visionary behind the $ 200 million project called VIVOS with the goal to retrofit or build as many as 20 bunkers around the US , ahead of any catastrophic event that may threaten life as we know it .

  9. 我希望与疯狂的梦想家一起共事。

    I wanted to work with people who were crazy visionaries .

  10. 世界需要梦想家,世界也需要实干家。

    The world needs dreamers , and the world needs doers .

  11. 蒋:正昌是能够推动成长进步的梦想家。

    Peggy : Andrew is the visionary who pushes for growth .

  12. 自认为是梦想家的人通常只不过是睡觉专家。

    Those who think they are dreamers are usually just sleeper .

  13. 我是一个梦想家,他是我的梦。

    I am a dreamer , and he is my dream .

  14. 意味着伟大的黑人梦想家得了爱滋病。

    Which means the great black hope has full-blown al ds .

  15. 这个世界上有梦想家也有现实主义者。

    There are dreamers and there are realists in this world .

  16. 你是个梦想家,而现实是。

    You are a dreamer , and the reality is .

  17. 这位诗人,这位浪漫主义者,这位不可思议的梦想家。

    The poet , the romantic , the inscrutable dreamer .

  18. 你,是梦想家,但,绝不是一个人。

    You are a dreamer , but , not the only one .

  19. 自动驾驶汽车的梦想家们可能很快就能完善技术。

    Autonomous car visionaries may soon be able to perfect the technology .

  20. 她是一个梦想家,那个德比,亲爱的。

    She 's a real dreamer , that Debbie dear .

  21. 成就大业著皆是大梦想家。

    All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers .

  22. 头脑冷静的计算者,是梦想家的严厉惩罚人。

    The cool-headed reckoner is the stern chastiser of the ecstatic visionary .

  23. 天生的梦想家马可瓦多,智多星马可瓦多。

    Marcovaldo the irrepressible dreamer , Marcovaldo the inveterate schemer .

  24. 你是个梦想家一直都是

    You 're a dreamer Marty . Always have been .

  25. 恋人们,梦想家,和我。

    The lovers , the dreamers , and me .

  26. 这部宣传片里,所有的梦想家都并肩前行。主播:赶英超美

    In this promotion video , all the dreamers walk side by side .

  27. 我是一个梦想家,你们亦是。

    I am a dreamer and so are you .

  28. 在梦想家看来,世上的法律和伦理都过于苛刻。

    For him the laws and morals of the world are unduly severe .

  29. 年轻的梦想家不愿接受这个事实。

    The young dreamer refused to accept the actuality .

  30. 而这边是梦想家,艺术家和有远见的人。苍天大地啊!

    And here we have the dreamers , the artists , the visionaries .