
suō zi yú
  • pike;barracuda;senet;sennet
梭子鱼[suō zi yú]
  1. 一条1878年捕获的重29磅8盎司的梭子鱼被制成标本陈列在庄园管理处。

    A pike weighing 29 lb 8 oz taken in 1878 was stuffed and is on display at the estate office

  2. 羊毛梭子鱼。虽然怪诞,但仍为抢手货。

    Woolly Pike : This grotesque creature is among the more bizarre figures up for grabs .

  3. 为其它动物都在被以人道的捕获的时候,梭子鱼案件还能合法的?

    Why should this be legal when other animals have to be slaughtered in a humane way ?

  4. 沙:梭子鱼是新鲜的鱼;咸鱼才适合古老的衣服呢。

    Shallow : the luce is the fresh fish ; the salt fish is an old coat .

  5. 谁都知道,那些梭子鱼、鳗鱼和鲤鱼吃东西时是很贪婪的,它们把那只兀鹰大嚼了一顿。

    The pike , eels , and carp eat greedily always , as everybody knows & well , they feast on the vulture .

  6. 过去三年里,加州每年都派出专人捕捉这些食肉类梭子鱼,但梭子鱼的数量却在猛增。

    The state has devoted full-time crews to catching predatory pike each of the last three years , only to see the population skyrocket .

  7. 你听说过梭子鱼想吞吃骡子的故事吗?不同于某些瞎吹的故事,这可能是真的。

    Have you heard the one about the pike that tried to eat a mule ? Unlike some fisherman 's tales this one could be true .

  8. 水中发出一阵骚动声和冲击声,就象人们在英国看水池中的梭子鱼抓小鱼一样。

    There was a rush and disturbance of the water , such as one sees in a pond in England when a pike takes a little fish .

  9. 这条梭子鱼之他的客户,是有动物福利组织提起上诉称,在梭子鱼试图求生的艰苦挣扎过程中,被告的业余垂钓者涉嫌残害动物。

    He wound up with the pike as a client when animal-welfare groups filed a complaint alleging animal cruelty in the fish 's epic battle with an amateur angler .

  10. 除了吃从附近的湖里捕的鲈鱼和梭子鱼,他还吃诸如荨麻、浆果和球根等野生植物,小鼠、大鼠他也吃。

    Along with 20 ) perch and 21 ) pike from nearby lakes , he ate wild plants like 22 ) nettles , berries and 23 ) tubers , as well as mice and rats .