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gùn bàng
  • stick;club;rod;cudgel;bludgeon
棍棒 [gùn bàng]
  • (1) [stick]

  • (2) 棍子和棒的总称

  • (3) 器械体操用具

  • (4) [cudgel]∶包着皮的铅头棍棒、警察指挥棒或用作大头短棒的其它物体

棍棒[gùn bàng]
  1. 然而,狮子刚被缴械,农夫就不再惧怕狮子了,反而用棍棒赶走了狮子。

    When once , however , he was thus disarmed3 , the cottager was afraid of him no longer , but drove him away with his club .

  2. 谢谢,如果你还扣着我的JoniMitchell的CD不放(加拿大著名女歌手),恐怕我得拿着棍棒追赶着你要了。

    Thanks . That 's great . Because if you decided to hang on to my Joni Mitchell CDs I 'd have to come after you with a club .

  3. 这些人以棍棒和石块作为武器。

    The men armed themselves with sticks and stones .

  4. 那伙人用棍棒狠狠揍他。

    The gang laid about him with sticks .

  5. 为了获得海豹皮而用棍棒打死幼海豹是不道德的。

    Clubbing baby seals to death for their pelts is wrong .

  6. 人群手持棍棒和石块走上了街头。

    Crowds armed with sticks and stones took to the streets .

  7. 很多人用棍棒和铁器将自己武装起来。

    Many of the men had armed themselves with staves and pieces of iron .

  8. 矿工们手持棍棒冲过了警戒线。

    The miners were armed with clubs as they forced their way through a police cordon

  9. 警察用棍棒在人群中打出一条道路。

    The police clubbed a path through the crowd .

  10. 这时,墨丘利出现了,用棍棒痛打了他一顿,而且还重复那人所说的话:“你这个恶棍,现在你的正义感又去哪里了呢?”

    Suddenly Mercury appeared , and belaboured him with his staff , saying as he did so , " You villain6 , where 's your nice sense of justice now ? "

  11. 仆人们听到了奇怪的声响,以为他们的主人有危险,急忙帮他脱身,他们用棍棒将驴赶回到栏里去。

    The servants hearing the strange noise , and imagining the danger of his master , quickly helped him out of the situation and drove out the ass to his stable , with kicks and beatings .

  12. 这些离子能诱导细菌内的核糖体增多,DNA纤丝凝聚成棍棒或块状。

    These ions could induce the increase or bacteria ribosome , the DNA aggregated to stick of cube form .

  13. 高频热等离子体制备Mn掺杂的棒状纳米氧化锌纳粹分子用棍棒和枪托毒打他们。

    Synthesis of One-dimension Mn Doped ZnO Nanostructures Using Radio Frequency Thermal Plasma The Nazis worked them over with billies and gun butts .

  14. 棍棒和石块的确会打碎我的骨头,但是恶语却伤人更深。nickname,昵称,外号

    Sticks and stones do break our bones , but names can wound more deeply .

  15. 结果表明,测试菌株在PDA平板上的菌落生长缓慢、呈圆形白色突起、分生孢子到棍棒形,有隔膜和明显孢痕。

    The colony was found white , round and protuberant from the PDA culture medium flat . The conidiophore clavate had three to five septa and an obvious scarring .

  16. 我们在电视新闻上看见了人们口中的罩袍旅——像我们一样年轻的女人和女孩子们,身穿罩袍,手持棍棒,在伊斯兰堡的中心地带袭击市场里售卖CD及DVD的商店。

    We saw pictures on the news of what people were calling the Burqa Brigade - young women and girls like us in burqas with sticks , attacking CD and DVD shops in bazaars in the centre of Islamabad .

  17. Wii现在用的一种控制器就是棍棒形状的。

    It 's a more-sophisticated version of the motion detection done today by the Wii , which gives users a wand-shaped controller to hold as they play games .

  18. 商品瓜表皮绿色,长棍棒形,瓜长约50cm,瓜条上下粗细均匀,瓜横径约5cm,单瓜重约0.5kg,瓜顶部钝园。

    The fruit is long stick shape covered with thin green skin , it is about 50 cm in length , 5 cm in diameter , and the shape is uniform . The average weight of fruit is about 0.5 kg .

  19. 他们包围了大使馆,抛掷石头,挥舞棍棒。

    They surrounded the embassy , hurling stones and wielding sticks .

  20. 我的成长是在所谓的父母的棍棒下走过来的!

    I 'd been growing under father and mother 's stick !

  21. 他声称,正是棍棒教育使得自己的孩子都进入了一流大学。

    Businessman says hitting his kids got them into top college .

  22. 那个审问者接着拿棍棒殴打了他的犯人。

    The interrogator then laid into his prisoner using a club .

  23. 纳粹分子用棍棒和枪托毒打他们。

    The Nazis worked them over with billies and gun butts .

  24. 作为休息所的枝条或棍棒。

    A branch or rod that serves as a resting place .

  25. 菲律宾的棍棒斗士,手下不留情地打。

    The stick fighters of the Philippines , pulling no punches .

  26. 他们用棍棒砸毁商店和银行橱窗。

    They smashed shop and bank windows with clubs and sticks .

  27. 他们用棍棒、刀剑和枪炮武装起来。

    They were armed with sticks , swords , and guns .

  28. 他抓起一根棍棒向四下乱打。歇斯底里的;

    He seized a stick and laid to in all directions .

  29. 好多次,他把手杖用作打人的棍棒。

    His walking stick served him as a bludgeon on many occasions .

  30. 你跟他们说那冰棍棒是红木!

    You told that mouse the Pawpsicle sticks were redwood !