
  • 网络Forest hydrology;F.H.
  1. 坡面产流模型在森林水文学领域得到了应用。

    In addition , slope-runoff model has been applied in forest hydrology .

  2. 分布式水文模型在森林水文学中的应用

    Application of Physically based Distributed Models in Forest Hydrology

  3. 森林水文学过程转运的碳主要储存在森林内部;

    TOC transported during hydrological processes was mostly stored in the forest ecosystem ;

  4. 热带森林水文学研究雏议

    Microcosmic opinions of hydrologic research in the tropical forest

  5. 现代森林水文学研究中的数据管理技术

    Modern workwear Data Management for Modern Research of Forest-Hydrology

  6. 进而,根据余项法求出截留强度表达式。此举拓宽了森林水文学理论研究思路。

    Finally , the expression of interception intensity is obtained by means of remainder method .

  7. 森林水文学研究述评

    A Review of Forest Hydrology Studies

  8. 因此,20世纪80年代起对水源涵养林的研究日渐兴盛,主要是以森林水文学方法为主。

    Thus , specialists began to pay more attention to water conservation forests with research method of forest hydrology since 1980s .

  9. 根据森林水文学的原理,结合地形条件和林业生产方向,把朱亭林区划分为三种林业区。

    Three forest divisions are separated according to the principles of forest hydrology combined with topographic conditions and productive orientations of forestry .

  10. 森林水文学研究对于了解流域物理、生物及化学过程以及实施流域管理,具有重要意义。

    Research on forest hydrology is the key to understand the physical , biological , and chemical processes in a watershed and has significance to watershed management .

  11. 参照国内外对热带森林水文学的研究成果,论述了热带森林调节水分的研究进展,重点分析了热带林对降水、径流、土壤水分和地下水以及水质量的调节作用。

    Based on the research achievements of tropical hydrology , the functions of water regulation of tropical forest were discussed in the paper . The influences and regulation functions on rainfall , runoff , soil moisture , underground water and water quality of tropical forest ecosystem were emphatically analysed .

  12. 准确模拟森林蒸散量是森林水文学、森林气象学学科发展的需求,同时也为森林流域水资源、森林生态系统管理及其开发利用提供科学依据。

    It is a great demand for the development of forest hydrology and forest meteorology to simulate the forest evapotranspiration accurately . Meanwhile , it is also a theoretical basis for the management and utilization of water resources and forest ecosystem .

  13. 课程有树木生理学、森林生态学、森林基因学、水文学和分水岭地理管理。

    Among the courses of study are tree physiology , forest ecology , forest genetics , hydrology , and watershed management .

  14. 森林对径流量的影响是森林水文学研究的重要课题。

    It 's an important project for forest hydrology that forest effects on runoff .

  15. 森林植被变化对区域径流量的影响是现代森林水文学研究的核心问题之一。

    Comparison of FDCs in the annual streamflow from different periods indicates the important role of vegetation cover change . ( 2 ) It is a focus of study on effects of forest vegetation cover change on streamflow in modern forest hydrology research .

  16. 这表明,(1)森林演替过程中,林冠层结构、树种构成等的改变可能引起森林水文学过程中TOC浓度的变化;

    All of the results indicated that ( 1 ) changes of canopy structure and tree species during successions can affect the concentration of TOC during the hydrological processes ;