
  • 网络Deep in the forest;deep forest;deep woods
  1. 最后,他们被带到了森林深处。

    At last they were taken to the deep forest .

  2. 那鹿遁进了森林深处。

    The deer escaped to the deep forest .

  3. 小屋在森林深处。

    The but is in the midst of the forest .

  4. 小路一直伸延到森林深处。

    The path extended into the depths of the forest .

  5. 他们向北深入人烟稀少的加拿大森林深处。

    They went farther north into the deep forests of Canada , where there were fewer humans around .

  6. 一些士兵在森林深处的一个前哨基地等候。

    Some soldiers waited at an outpost deep in the forest .

  7. 他听到从森林深处传来的一个声音一步一步地向他靠近。

    He hears something in the distant forest coming his way .

  8. 在森林深处的一座砍柴者的农舍内…

    While deep in the forest in a woodcutter 's cottage ...

  9. 到第三天的时候他们已经走到了森林深处。

    By the third day they had wandered far into the forest .

  10. 于是她朝森林深处跑去,开始采花。

    So she ran into the forest and began to pick flowers .

  11. 他的房子隐于森林深处。

    His house was tucked away in the deep woods .

  12. 故事发生在森林深处一个神秘的城堡里。

    The scene is laid in a forest surrounding a mysterious castle .

  13. 我想隐居到到森林深处的小屋里。

    I want to retire to a cabin ? Deep in the forest .

  14. 但只有在巴罗尔森林深处才能找到。

    It can only be found in the caves deep beneath forest Balor .

  15. 我们走出森林深处,她的父亲做向导。(表示伴随情况)

    We went far into the forest , her father acting as guide .

  16. 他们将在森林深处发现我们身首异处。

    They 'll just find pieces of us scattered across the forest floor .

  17. 你能再往森林深处走走吗?

    Can you walk further into the forest ?

  18. 一群孩子在森林深处迷失了方向。

    A group of children were lost in the inner part of the forest .

  19. 小红帽的祖母住在森林深处的一所房子里。

    Little red riding hood 's grandmother lived in a house deep in the forest .

  20. 我们往森林深处走去。

    We went further into the forest .

  21. 一天,塔比和法兹要去森林深处寻找食物。

    One day , Tubby and Fuzzy went deep into the forest to find food .

  22. 潜入撩人的芬芳的花朵生长在古老的森林深处。

    Dive into the sultry fragrance of the flowers growing deep in the age-old forest .

  23. 婆罗洲森林深处

    Deep in the forests of Borneo ,

  24. 稍早受到攻击的目标被形容为是森林深处的一个塔利班隐藏地点。

    An early target was described as a Taliban hideout in the middle of the thick forest .

  25. 在森林深处,她成功地征服了一个魔女,并占据了她的肉身。

    Driving deep into the forests , she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion .

  26. 曾经有一个时期在森林深处有一个黑暗矿井的入口。

    Once upon a time in a deep forest there was an entrance to a dark mine .

  27. 往往一个人工作,或者去僻静的角落比如森林深处,在这些情况下他们更容易遭到袭击。

    and that means working alone or in isolated locations like dark forests where they 're vulnerable to attack .

  28. 从慕尼黑出发前往此处需两小时车程。新天鹅堡藏在森林深处,这里的树叶看起来色彩鲜明闪亮。

    Two hours from Munich , the castle is tucked deep in forests whose leaves seem ablaze with color .

  29. 很久很久以前,有一个老人,他很喜欢跑到森林深处去唱歌。

    Once upon a time , there was an old man who liked to sing deep in the forest .

  30. 他向森林深处走着走着,光线越来越淡,树木长得越来越密。

    He went deeper and deeper into the wood , where the light was less and the trees grew close together .